PANCAP Regional Meeting to Focus On Implementation of Migrant Health and Rights Framework

Tuesday, 2 April 2019 (PANCAP Coordinating Unit, CARICOM Secretariat): The Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the mechanism that provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, will host a regional meeting to provide guidance on the implementation of the Regional Framework on Migrant Health and Rights on 10 – 11 April 2019 in Port-of-Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

The Framework was developed by stakeholders at the Regional Forum on Migrants’ and Mobile Populations’ Health and Rights in June 2018 with funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

The purpose of the Framework is to increase the access of migrants and mobile populations to HIV prevention, care, support and treatment. The Framework provides a roadmap for equitable and non-discriminatory access to health care services across the Caribbean for mobile and migrant populations regardless of age, race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, property, birth or other status.

The Framework was subsequently endorsed by the Priority Areas Coordinating Committee (PACC – the technical committee of the PANCAP Executive Board), PANCAP Executive Board and the Council for Human and Social Development – Ministers of Health (COHSOD). The PACC recommended that PANCAP identify a model to guide countries in operationalising the Framework within their country context.  This will be the focus of the upcoming regional meeting.

The meeting is occurring a few weeks after Hon. Terrence Deyalsingh, Minister of Health, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago announced that mi­grants will re­ceive the same free health care as na­tion­als, par­tic­u­lar­ly in re­la­tion to sex­u­al­ly trans­mit­ted dis­eases.

The Minister was speaking at the Seventh Meeting of National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners held on 11 – 13 March in Port-of-Spain.  The Minister further stated, “We have tak­en a de­ci­sion in Trinidad and To­ba­go, you know we have Venezue­lan mi­grants, to treat them as na­tion­als. Be­cause mi­grants do not live in iso­la­tion in the coun­tries they mi­grate to. They mix with the rest of the pop­u­la­tion; they in­te­grate them­selves with the en­vi­ron­ment.  So we have tak­en a pol­i­cy de­ci­sion at the Min­istry of Health to treat all mi­grants re­gard­less of their coun­try of ori­gin as cit­i­zens of Trinidad and To­ba­go when it comes to pub­lic health”.

PANCAP Director, Dereck Springer stated that the Minister’s announcement could not be more timely as a pivotal aspect of the upcoming meeting will be the input provided by participants for finalising a guidance document on how to implement the Framework on Migrant Health and Rights within their country context.

The Director further highlighted that the objectives of the meeting are to share the findings of a desk review on models/guidance for operationalising the Framework on Migrants Health and Rights and validate the findings of an assessment of the needs of countries’ health systems to provide services for migrants.

Participants will include Port Health Medical Officers, Representatives of Ministries of National Security and Border Affairs, Legal officers and Protection Officers, International Development partners, Permanent Secretaries, Ministries of Health, Chief Medical Officers, National AIDS Programme Managers, Immigration Officers, Civil society partners that work with key populations, Faith Leaders, Youth Leaders, Private Sector, Academia, the International Organization for Migration and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  – The UN Refugee Agency.

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Helpful links:

PANCAP Rights-Based Framework for Migrant Health and Rights 2018

Meeting to provide guidance to countries on how to operationalise the regional framework on migrant health and rights – Event page

What is PANCAP?

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners.

Editor’s Notes

Background to the Meeting to provide guidance to countries on how to operationalise the regional framework on migrant health and rights

CARICOM governments have signed on to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and other relevant international conventions as evidence of their commitment to protect and promote the rights of migrants. The International Convention on the Protection of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990 is the most comprehensive instrument protecting the rights of migrants but only St Vincent and the Grenadines has ratified this convention.  With respect to migrant workers, some countries have ratified the following conventions: #97 Migration for Employment; #111  Concerning discrimination in respect of employment and occupation; and #138 Concerning minimum age for admission to employment.

Previous assessments/studies have found that in the majority of countries, the HIV-related needs of migrants and mobile populations are not integrated in the national HIV response and existing health care programmes. Little data is available on diverse mobile populations and there are no culturally and linguistically appropriate HIV intervention programmes targeting mobile populations, especially high-risk groups including sex workers and MSM.  Strict immigration policies adopted by some governments may drive sex workers underground, thereby making them and their clients more vulnerable to contracting HIV. Migrant workers in some countries are consistently listed among the most vulnerable populations owing to, among other factors; their legal status, lack of access to information and services, language barriers and poverty. However, to date no comprehensive strategies exist to address HIV prevention among this vulnerable population. There is limited understanding of the profile of the epidemic among migrant workers or the factors that increase this population’s vulnerability to HIV.

Given the challenges outlined above PANCAP, with funding from the Global Fund in June 2018, developed a regional rights-based framework to increase the access of migrants and mobile populations to HIV prevention, care, support and treatment.

The Framework sets out a roadmap for equitable and non-discriminatory access to health care services across the Caribbean for mobile and migrant populations regardless of age, race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, property, birth or other status. The Framework responds to the findings of two multi-country studies conducted by PANCAP over the period 2011 – 2015 which highlighted the barriers to access HIV services by migrant and mobile populations. Following a participatory approach involving representation from Government, (Ministry of Health, Chief Medical Officers, National AIDS Programmes, Immigration Officers) Civil Society (Migrant groups and other key population groups) and international and regional organisations including, PANCAP, UWI, IOM, UNHCR and UNAIDS at a regional forum in Trinidad and Tobago from the 26-27 June 2018, the mandate was for the development of a more comprehensive roadmap for a Regional Rights-Based Framework to Increase the Access of Migrants and Mobile Populations to HIV Prevention, Care, Support and Treatment.

The Framework is rationalised with the vision of regionalism under the CSME and sets out guiding principles and recommended strategies for regional and national action. The Protocol on Contingent Rights was adopted and opened for signature at the 39th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community held in Montego Bay, Jamaica on 4-6 July 2018. It was signed by seven countries (Barbados, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname) but is not yet in force. The Protocol grants rights to CARICOM nationals exercising the right of establishment, provision of services, movement of capital or free movement of skills. Spouses and immediate dependents are also entitled to enjoy these rights.

The Framework on Migrant Health and Rights was subsequently endorsed by the Priority Areas Coordinating Committee (technical committee of the PANCAP Executive Board), PANCAP Executive Board and the Council for Human and Social Development – Ministers of Health). The Priority Areas Coordinating Committee recommended that PANCAP should identify a model that can be used to guide countries in operationalising the Framework to their county context.

Director’s message – March 2019

“We are PANCAP”. Upon my assumption to the office of Director of PANCAP I was struck by partners who referred to us – the staff in the PANCAP Coordinating Unit (PCU) – as “you all at PANCAP”. Every time I heard that statement I cringed because it seemed at that time that they limited PANCAP to the secretariat – PCU. My response was to work to ensure that every partner understood that we are all PANCAP. I repeated that phrase so often that eventually partners, even those who were new, began to also say “we are PANCAP”.

I reflected on this statement many times during the recently held Seventh Meeting of National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners. I reflected on my one-on-one meetings with staff at the PCU when I would remind them that although we were fewer in number, we must work smarter to demonstrate PANCAP’s added value to the Region.  But we had to ask ourselves several questions and to be brutally honest with ourselves. Why would anyone want to support PANCAP in an environment of declining resources when countries are also struggling with the sustainability of their response? What is it that PANCAP does that others do not or cannot do? We could not just say that we are a best practice because UNAIDS said we were several years ago. We will be judged based on what we deliver now. Are we responsive to the needs of the people whom we were established to serve? Are we utilizing the comparative advantage of each partner? Are we really giving a voice to the voiceless? Are we judging our key population brothers and sisters? Are we embracing them or are we just ticking a box to satisfy our donors? The responses to those questions led us in the PCU along a journey to transform our image and how we work.

Weeks before the Seventh Meeting of NAP managers and Key Partners I began to sense that the Partnership’s goodwill was restored. I did not need any entity to tell me that the tide had turned. The response to our invitation was overwhelming. Our civil society, government, regional and development partners were calling and writing to us to be included on the agenda or as participants in the meeting. We sought donor approval to increase the budget to meet the demand but eventually our dedicated meeting coordinator informed me that we had surpassed the maximum.

As I escorted Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh, Minister of Health, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Chair of the PANCAP Executive Board to the podium to begin the opening ceremony, I was overcome with emotions. My staff know that I am very emotional. I struggled to hold back the tears of gratitude and joy. I felt the energy of the Partnership in that room. I felt the feeling of ownership of the Partnership. In that moment I knew for sure that “we are PANCAP”. I remembered the CSO representative from Antigua and Barbuda looking over at me. As I passed her, she said “smile just smile”. Those words helped me to put a smile in my voice. The post below from Anderson Langdon, Executive Director of the Barbados Family Planning Association following the PANCAP Knowledge for Health Share Fair sums up what we can achieve as a collective – our regional vision of an AIDS-Free Caribbean.

Double Positive provides PLHIV with entrepreneurial skills

The Double Positive Foundation, with funding from Kansfonds, Netherlands, facilitated a training programme for 18 HIV positive women of the Central Penitentiary in Santo Boma, Suriname.  The training aimed to build the capacity of participants in sewing and embroidery with the overarching goal of empowering the participants to be entrepreneurs with skills to create and market their original embroidery products.

The training programme was created in collaboration with the Marron Vrouwen Networks.

According to Ms Ethel Pengel, Chair, Double Positive, “our intention was to provide skills for these women to work independently when they are released.  The programme provided unique skills in designing and creating original clothing and embroidery products.  Double Positive was proud to be part of an initiative that provides these women with the ability to earn their own income and provide for their families”.

UCTRANS to address rights of transgender persons at upcoming Executive Board

UCTRANS will host its Executive Board and Steering Committee Strategic Planning Meeting 5 – 9 April 2019 in Nassau, The Bahamas. Trans leaders from CARICOM countries and OAS Member States will unite to discuss the way forward.

According to Ms Alexus D’Marco, Chair, UCTRANS, “The rights of transgender persons are protected by a range of international agreements. Countries that are signatories to these binding treaties are required under international law to respect the treaty provisions, including those relevant to the human rights of LGBT. However, punitive national laws and policies, as well as the failure of states to adopt or adhere to the provisions of the international conventions, adversely impact transgender people and fail to recognize their human rights”.

She underscored that most countries in the Caribbean have no legal recognition of transgender affirmed gender identity. Without official documents that recognize their gender identity, transgender people are often denied access to basic rights, including the right to health, education, justice and social welfare. This often results in exclusion from social and civic participation, harassment and stigmatization, limited access to protection, justice and redress and inadequate provision of health care services. Transgender people are also more susceptible to violence, including physical and sexual violence.

The Chair highlighted that in the Caribbean, population size estimates for the transgender community are largely absent. Similarly, data on incidences of gender-based violence prevalence among transgender persons is limited. Where information is available, it indicates significantly higher rates of HIV prevalence. Transgender women are also particularly affected by HIV. Estimates show that HIV prevalence for transgender women in the region range from 8% to 31% and there are few support programmes that address their specific needs. Where programmes do exist, they rarely include access to sexual and reproductive health services or HIV prevention, testing and treatment services.

ECADE urges policymakers to denounce violence and discrimination following murder of Michael Pooran

The Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality (ECADE) has issued a statement denouncing all forms of violence and discrimination following the murder of Guyanese National Michael Pooran.

ECADE stated that groups representing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Caribbean citizens have long cautioned governments that buggery and gross indecency laws pose a threat to the lives of anyone perceived to be gay, and therefore criminal. In the wake of the murder of Michael Pooran on 23 February 2019, local human rights group United and Strong and regional umbrella organisation ECADE, urged governments to strongly denounce any form of violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

“As we stand in sympathy with the family…we encourage the governments of Saint Lucia and the Eastern Caribbean to re-examine the impact of the Buggery and Gross indecency Laws (Criminal Code, sections 132, 133) that are widely interpreted as criminalisation of the LGBT community. These laws create an image of gay people as criminals and embolden others with a sense of impunity that has proven to be a real threat to anyone whose gender expression is felt to be outside of the norm,” stated ECADE.

The organization further stated that individuals who may not fit what might be considered “normal” or “accepted” gender expressions are at risk and that protection of all vulnerable groups equals protection of every citizen and allows everyone the freedom of expression.

The statement underscored that in 2018, the 48th OAS General Assembly approved a tenth resolution on “Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” that encourages member states to consider “adopting public policies against discrimination by reason of sexual orientation and gender identity”. ECADE noted that while this resolution does not insist on full protection of LGBT citizens, progressive governments could enact the necessary legislation.

“Our government has recognised and committed to international fora to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of all citizens. It is therefore unfortunate that our police force cannot identify or prosecute bias or hate crimes and the lack of legislation may serve as a barrier to providing full protection to those who are, or perceived to be, gay”, stated ECADE.

ECADE committed to continuing advocacy to achieve full recognition of the human rights of all people through litigation. The organisation indicated that it would continue to monitor and engage with law enforcement, the judiciary and state representatives.

NAPS Guyana empowering PLHIV with culinary skills training

The National AIDS Programme Secretariat Guyana, with funding from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cooperative Agreement, successfully trained 18 persons in food preparation techniques and healthy eating practical sessions.  Experts in the culinary arts facilitated the training at the Carnegie School of Home Economics in Georgetown.

The 12-day training activity involved participants from various National HIV Treatment and Care sites in Region 4, Georgetown.

Mr Somdatt Ramessar, Manager of the National HIV Food Bank spoke to the editor of PANCAP Newsletter about the initiative.  He explained that the focus of the training was to expose the participants to healthy and safe ways to prepare foods for consumption, as well as consistent use of healthy, locally grown and inexpensive food.  He underscored the importance of participants building their skills in preparing food to maintain the nutritional value.

“Building the capacity of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) so that they can live more productive lives is the focus of the National Programme,” stated Somdatt, “hence the aim of the training activity was to build the capacity of participants so that they can contribute meaningfully to their families and be role models in their communities and resource persons within the PLHIV population”.

At the culmination of the training, participants were tasked with returning to their respective support groups and sharing the knowledge they have acquired through organized group activities.

Somdatt noted that the National Programme was particularly proud of a participant who established a local juice production business with the skills acquired from the training.

Below is an image gallery of the food products created by participants. 

CRN+ launches #UnitedPositively

Image: Jason Shepherd, Senior Programme Officer, CRN+ during the launch of #UnitedPositively at the Seventh Meeting of National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners, 11 March 2019. 

The Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (CRN+) launched #UnitedPositively, an initiative to highlight voices from the Caribbean region against stigma and discrimination, in March 2019.

The campaign aims to challenge governments, policy makers, civil society organizations, the regional media and especially key populations (KPS), “to let their voices be heard against Stigma and Discrimination,” through social media messages denouncing stigma and discrimination that prevent vulnerable populations from accessing prevention, care, treatment, and support.

According to Jason Shepherd, Senior Programme Officer, CRN+, “We must take note, that despite positive developments in the Caribbean in addressing HIV and AIDS and Human Rights, there still exist domestic laws, policies, and practices that adversely affect the rights of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and vulnerable individuals in accessing and benefitting from essential services including public goods and justice”.

He further stated “In the Caribbean, there are increasing numbers of people with access to medication. However, there is still no pill to cure stigma and ignorance.  We, therefore, need to stand united positively as one Caribbean against stigma and discrimination.  The fight against stigma does not start or end with a campaign. It starts and continues with us, in our everyday lives, challenging our own prejudices and challenging the biases of those around us. It starts with recognising instances of discrimination and acting to stop them. It starts with challenging ignorance and fear wherever we may find it. Our campaign will only add to the wonderful work by so many other organisations and individuals in the Caribbean who are fighting to end stigma and discrimination. It takes courage, resilience and tenacity to fight against HIV-related stigma and discrimination”.

Why this campaign

CRN+ was inspired to create the campaign by the UNAIDS Zero Discrimination Agenda, 90-90-90 UNAIDS Fast-track Targets to put an end to AIDS and the experiences of PLHIV and Key Populations within our Caribbean Region.

How you can take action now

Let your voice be heard against stigma and discrimination:

  •  Send a selfie along with a short sentence (10 words maximum) speaking out against stigma and discrimination via an inbox message to the CRN+ Facebook page; Link here
  • Give your consent for your photo message to be used in the campaign;
  • After you have uploaded your selfie, it will be branded with the campaign photo frame and shared on our social media pages and website;
  • You can then share your selfie on social media and invite your family and friends to take part in the campaign;

What is the Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (CRN+)?

The Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (CRN+) is the authentic voice of Caribbean People Living with HIV and AIDS. CRN+ is committed to empowering and supporting persons infected and affected by HIV and AIDS through advocacy, research, partnership, capacity building and resource mobilization.

National AIDS Programme Managers and Civil Society urged to collaborate on innovations to reach key populations with HIV prevention and to retain people on treatment and care

Tuesday, 12 March 2019 (PANCAP Coordinating Unit, CARICOM Secretariat): The Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the mechanism that provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, commenced the Seventh Meeting of National AIDS Programme (NAP) Managers and Key Partners in Port-of-Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on Monday 11 March 2019

The meeting was hosted 22 months ahead of the end of 2020 deadline for reaching the UNAIDS 90–90–90 Targets — 90% of people living with HIV diagnosed, 90% of diagnosed people on treatment and 90% of those on treatment virally suppressed.

In opening remarks, Director of PANCAP, Mr Dereck Springer highlighted that PANCAP recently evaluated the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS (CRSF) 2014-2018 and will be using the results to inform the development of the new CRSF 2019-2023. The evaluation found that the Region has made progress in responding to the epidemic but it also clearly illustrated that there is more to be done, particularly in relation to implementation of innovative activities to achieve prevention, retain people in treatment and care, reach key populations with services and create an enabling environment.

“Compared to 2013 when it felt as though we were in the midst of winter, we are now a much more united partnership. We are all PANCAP,” stated the Director, “the Partnership is much stronger and more resilient because of the work being done by everyone. We have demonstrated an indomitable will to overcome the many challenges including financial and human resources in our effort to serve the people of the Caribbean. PANCAP has restored its goodwill; the presence of over 135 partners here today is testimony of this goodwill and a recognition that the PANCAP brand is synonymous with good leadership, respect for partners, meaningful engagement and accountability. There is no other partnership for health like ours”.

The Director stated that there is renewed confidence in PANCAP and this has been achieved because the Partnership has placed people at the heart of the matter. “We have made them central to the Partnership, influencing policy and actively contributing to the decision-making process,” stated Mr Springer, “Our priority was to ensure that those of us within the leadership of the organisation did not become remote and disconnected from the views of the people whom we serve – the people who know best what their needs are and what needs to be done to meet them”.

He further stated that the Partnership is now more visible. “We are sharing our knowledge, we are improving coordination – both alignment and harmonisation,” stated Mr Springer, “We are demonstrating our added value to the Caribbean region. Our strategic regional approach to HIV builds on a strong history of collaboration in public health to overcome the challenges inherent to the unique geography, economy and culture of the Caribbean”.

The Director highlighted that a key objective of PANCAP is to achieve value for money by promoting economies of scale, as the region’s small developing states may provide limited capacity for developing the complex programmes needed for a comprehensive response to HIV.

The partnership marked 18 years of its existence on 14 February 2019. From its inception in 2001, there have been notable successes including the fact that HIV incidence and AIDS-related deaths have been reduced, and seven countries have been certified as having achieved the dual targets for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and Syphilis.

Strengthened national programmes have improved capacity to implement prevention, treatment and care activities. “We have built the capacity of civil society and positioned them to access their own funding,” stated Mr Springer, “substantial investments have been made in strengthening health systems and in scaling-up services for increasing numbers of people who are living longer with HIV. Regional public goods and services have facilitated this by lowering costs and reducing inefficiencies inherent in building capacity in multiple countries”. He further stated that countries contribute to, and benefit from, more affordable access to medicines and the sharing of technical skills, operational capacity, information, advocacy and specialised services. PANCAP has supported the OECS Pharmaceutical Procurement System under the Global Fund Round 9 grant, which has now expanded. Technical support is sourced within the region and is implemented through peer-learning methodologies and virtual and face-to-face knowledge sharing events.

“We continue to respond to the needs of the region and we are actively mobilising resources from our development partners such as PEPFAR, the Global Fund and UN agencies, albeit in an environment of scarcity while leveraging the technical expertise of our development partners to support our national governments to increase domestic resources for HIV” stated the Director.

He urged participants to use the meeting to review progress, learn from each other, explore innovative approaches and commit to implementing and scaling them up. “Let us make our voices heard so that we can inform the priorities and strategies for our new CRSF, stated the Director, “Let us be bold. Let us not fear the future, instead let us identify and embrace the many opportunities that present themselves for us to renew, refresh, streamline and refocus. Let us find within ourselves, our invincible summer. I am confident that this Partnership will build upon this solid foundation over the next years and will provide the leadership required for achieving the vision of ending AIDS in the Caribbean region”.

Ms Aldora Robinson, Director of the Health Promotion and Advocacy Unit within the Ministry of Health, Agriculture and Human Services, Turks and Caicos Islands and the National AIDS Programme Managers Representative on the PANCAP Governance Bodies stated that in light of the challenge of reduced international funding the meeting could be a “game changer”.  “We cannot continue to do the same thing and expect different results,” stated Ms Robison, “we need to come together, NAP Managers and civil society, with purpose and innovation to accomplish results necessary to close the gap of the 90-90-90 Targets; building on the successes and gains already made”.

She advocated that National AIDS Programme Managers and civil society must work together in their individual countries where the context of the HIV response is often different.

“Each island must own their response,” Ms Robinson stated, “there is a critical need to increase access to HIV and STI Testing for key populations and we also need to pay attention to our 50-year olds and those who have retired.  We look forward to an exciting and informative week where purpose meets innovation. We must always remember that we are working towards the same goal of an AIDS-free Caribbean”.

In brief remarks, Mr Ivan Cruickshank, Executive Director, Caribbean Vulnerable Communities (CVC) Coalition, reminded participants of the 2020 deadline for ending AIDS and urged that all stakeholders commit to using the meeting to foster innovative solutions to fill the HIV gaps.  “We’re coming in on the heels of the recent UNAIDS report.  There is unfinished business, so whatever we do this week, we must connect the dots,” stated the Executive Director, “we’re a Caribbean nation of track and field and we know in track and field, especially in a 400 metres race, the last 10 metres are usually the hardest.  For many of us present here today, the last 10 metres are going to be critical. How we respond and how we achieve the targets depend on our collaborative spirit and ability to be innovative”.

Dr Lilian Pedrosa, Fund Portfolio Manager, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Global Fund, stated that it is a pivotal year for the The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which is approaching another replenishment period and attempting to secure additional funding to continue supporting the Global Fund grants. She reminded the meeting that the Global Fund has been supporting the Region since 2001, disbursing over US$800 Million specifically for the Caribbean Region.  She applauded the success of the Region in achieving the decline of deaths from AIDS, as well as the decline in new infections.  She also lauded the achievement of the validation of seven countries for the elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis.

Dr Pedrosa emphasized that the Region should also be commended for the increase of domestic contributions for HIV.  “When the Global Fund started as a partner in 2001, together with other partners, we were funding most of the response”, stated Dr Pedrosa, “What we have seen in the last few years is a new momentum where countries are really stepping up the plate and increasing their financial commitment to sustain the gains made in the fight against AIDS”.

She noted that despite the successes and increased domestic financing, there is the challenge of reaching the right key populations and increasing testing.  She also noted there are some countries where the bulk of the epidemic is concentrated in key populations and national programmes continue to be challenged with retaining people in care. She emphasized however, that the most significant challenge faced by the response is stigma and discrimination.

She challenged the participants to utilize the meeting to reflect on the lessons learned from national programmes and to build on the unique partnership created by PANCAP. She also urged participants to use the resources and expertise within the Partnership to advocate within their countries for an end to stigma and discrimination.  “We need to reach the finish line for ending AIDS together, as one Caribbean”, stated Dr Pedrosa.

Dr James Guwani, Team Leader, UNAIDS Caribbean Office, highlighted that the Caribbean joined the community of nations in a commitment to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goal agenda. Next year, 2020, the Region will reach a key benchmark to determine whether it is on course to realize the vision of a world without AIDS. He emphasized that every country will ask how close they are to diagnosing 90% of people living with HIV, to starting 90% of diagnosed people on antiretroviral therapy and to achieving viral suppression among 90% of those on treatment.

“While it is urgent and important that we press forward, I urge all of us as partners in the Caribbean AIDS response to first look back,” stated Dr Guwani.  He shared that in 2004 and 2005 the region experienced an estimated 18,000 AIDS-related deaths. In 2017, that number had fallen by more than 40%.  From 1997 to 2000, there were an estimated 30,000 new infections annually in the Caribbean. By the end of 2017, that number was reduced by half.  In 2015, 45% of all people living with HIV in this region were on treatment. Two years later that number had increased to 57 percent—well over half of the HIV positive population.

Dr Guwani further stated that the numbers tell the story of a region that has gotten many things right including widespread access to treatment, increased testing availability and some traction with respect to prevention. “These strides are in large part thanks to the people and partnerships in this very room,” stated Dr Guwani, “As we redirect our attention to the uphill battle before us, let us remind ourselves of our capacity to mobilize leaders and communities, to inform and sensitize citizens and to treat and care for those living with HIV. We have what it takes to end this epidemic. We must now ask how we can harness our expertise, resources and passion to reach those who have not benefitted from the services on offer”.

He emphasized that the big picture is that in 2017, 73% of Caribbean people living with HIV knew their status, 79% of diagnosed people were on treatment and 70% of those on treatment were virally suppressed.

Dr Guwani challenged the meeting to answer the following questions: why are quarter of those testing positive in the Caribbean diagnosed late, why do so many people not stay the course having started treatment, and why aren’t prevention efforts reaching enough of the young people who now account for almost one-third of new infections in the region.

He urged the participants to combine evidence, analysis and insights to determine what the Region should do differently in order to reach the youth, men, women and members of key and vulnerable communities who continue to be left behind.  

Ms Victoria Nibarger, PEPFAR Coordinator, Caribbean Regional Program, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator and Health Diplomacy (S/GAC), Jamaica highlighted the recent case of a man living with HIV in London who had been “functionally cured” of HIV, following a bone marrow transplant from an HIV-resistant donor.  She noted that more than 18 months have passed since the man last took ARVs, and there remains no trace of HIV in his blood.  She shared that Anton Pozniak, President of the International AIDS Society, called it a “critical moment” in terms of the fight against HIV, but emphasized that at present it does not offer a large-scale strategy for a cure.

“I have no doubt that we are all united in our hope for a scalable cure,” stated the PEPFAR Coordinator, “but even in the meantime we have a historic opportunity to make what once seemed impossible possible – controlling and ultimately ending HIV as a public health threat around the world”.

She highlighted that when the United States government launched PEPFAR in 2003, HIV was a death sentence in many parts of the world.  Thanks to the lifesaving efforts of PEPFAR and its partners, the world is a more secure place.  Ms Nibarger explained that with strong bipartisan support across three U.S. Presidents and nine U.S. Congresses and working with our many partners around the globe, PEPFAR has invested more than 80 billion U.S. dollars in the global HIV response.  The results have been incredible:  more than 17 million lives saved, prevented millions of new HIV infections, and created the roadmap to controlling the pandemic.

The PEPFAR Coordinator emphasized that the region cannot achieve epidemic control so long as any one country is lagging behind.  She stated, “This Seventh Annual Meeting is an invaluable opportunity for those of us working throughout the Caribbean to come together, to learn from one another, to strategize and to strengthen our joint resolve to combat HIV.  This meeting can serve as a troubleshooting forum.  I am confident that the collective wisdom on all fronts – health, culture, and politics – is sufficient to overcome challenges that are being faced”.

She challenged participants to devote significant attention to the 90-90-90 Targets, for a progress check as 2020 approaches.  The cascade for the collective region is approximately 73-57-40 of all people living with HIV.

Ms Nibarger applauded the Region for being well on its way to achieving the First 90.  “We need to review testing strategies to ensure they are maximally efficient and that we are not over-testing certain populations, stated the PEPFAR Coordinator, “PEPFAR firmly believes that index testing and partner notification services are essential to ensuring that at least 90 percent of individuals know their status.  We are confident that this is possible to do across the Caribbean, despite challenges related to stigma, discrimination and violence”.

She further stated that despite the great strides in implementation of Treat All, the percentage of those diagnosed who are on treatment remains low – around 57 percent of all PLHIV for the region. She urged the participants to work together to rapidly expand treatment coverage with the goal of every individual who is diagnosed with HIV rapidly initiating ART.  She emphasized that there is overwhelming evidence that this policy results in better patient outcomes, stronger adherence and higher viral suppression rates.

“We believe the adoption of TLD (fixed-dose combination of tenofovir 300mg /lamivudine 300mg /dolutegravir 50mg (TLD), as a first-line regimen is essential to ensure better adherence and clinical outcomes.  Differentiated service-delivery models, such as 6-month scripting, are more convenient for patients and can help to ease crowding at treatment facilities and pharmacies,” stated Ms Nibarger.

She further stated that the final 90 – viral suppression – has the farthest to go, with the current regional figure at about 40 percent.  “We support the scale-up of viral load testing, which will help to ensure optimal clinical outcomes”.

On the issue of sustainability, the PEPFAR Coordinator explained that the PEPFAR budget for the Caribbean Regional Programme will be reduced for the next fiscal year, “We will closeout our bilateral programming in Suriname this Fall, followed by a planned closeout in Guyana and Barbados in Fall 2020.  At this time, we do not have planned closeout dates in Jamaica or Trinidad and Tobago.  As donor resources decline, host governments are taking on more of the financing – and this is commendable.  We believe it is critical that governments continue to learn from one another about how to successfully mobilize domestic resources to strengthen sustainability and prepare for donor transition.  As such, we look forward to the roadmap for sustainability that is an expected outcome of this meeting”.

She further stated “Treat All, index testing, multi-month scripting, viral load scale-up, increasing government resources are some of the minimum requirements for our 2019 PEPFAR Regional Operational Plan.  They are WHO-supported policies and practices that PEPFAR is requesting to be in place ahead of our new fiscal year.  There is strong evidence that they are necessary for efficient and effective programmes, which enable the reduction of HIV transmission and, eventually, epidemic control”

Ms Nibarger highlighted that despite the changes, she can confirm that PEPFAR remains fully committed to the sustainability of the Partnership, “It is these partnerships that make progress, and our joint goal of reaching the 90-90-90 targets, possible.  We have heard you, our partners; we will not reach our goals if we focus only on services for members of key populations who are comfortable disclosing their status.  Not everyone is willing or able to disclose.  Therefore, we are proposing new strategies – including men’s health clinics – to broaden our reach and ensure that our PEPFAR dollars are finding those who need help.

We are looking at ways to support integrated service-delivery models that will better provide for the holistic needs of patients.  We want to increase knowledge of private practitioners and their contributions to the HIV response as well as to link them to our clinical-mentoring activities.  We aim to strengthen direct partnerships with local non-governmental organizations who are integral to the response”.

The PEPFAR Coordinator emphasized that PEPFAR worldwide will continue to prioritize strategic information, as decisions must be data-driven.  She explained that it is through strong strategic information systems that the most accurate picture of the epidemic can be seen as well as the identification of areas where interventions are working, outstanding gaps, and efficient use of collective resources.

“This time together presents a great opportunity.  I am hopeful that we will come away from this meeting with new ideas about how to accelerate progress toward 90-90-90.  I hope that we will further strengthen the commitment to international best practices and figure out how we can adapt them to fit the context of the Caribbean region as well as individual countries.  Just like with the news of the patient in London being “functionally cured,” progress is happening, and we have reason to be optimistic.  Together, we can – and we will – end the HIV pandemic in the Caribbean,” stated Ms Nibarger.

Ms Sandra Jones, Technical Advisor HIV/STI, TB and Viral Hepatitis PAHO/WHO – Sub-regional Program Coordination, Caribbean highlighted that over the last 3-5 years the region has made progress towards reversing the HIV epidemic, achieving a reduction in the number of new HIV infections by 18% and deaths by 23%.  “However, as demonstrated by the evaluation of the CRSF 2014-2018, there are gaps and challenges, resulting in uneven progress in the region”, stated Ms. Jones, “while there has been progress in placing more people living with HIV on treatment, much more needs to be done to increase the numbers and to retain people on treatment. In fact, significant effort is required for the Caribbean to achieve the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets”.

She stated that the region has a unique opportunity to address the challenges, accelerate actions and close the gaps with specific indicators for HIV, the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas, the HIV fast-track targets and evidence-based interventions.  She also stated that Regional Frameworks such as the CRSF, the Caribbean Cooperation in Health coupled with a strong primary care system in each of the Member States, and committed partners can assist the region in achieving the 90-90-90 targets.

Ms Jones emphasized that paramount to achieving the 2030 goal of ending AIDS is a paradigm shift.  She stated, “The time to be innovative is now, given the overwhelming evidence for HIV prevention and treatment that are currently available. The rapid implementation of different innovations and evidence-based interventions for HIV prevention, care and treatment which include Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Post Exposure Prophylaxis-PEP, self-testing, Treat All, as well as sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and Control, with emphasis on key populations and migrants, should be delivered in a more cohesive, integrated manner, focusing  on universal access and coverage for everyone. The delivery of an integrated service for HIV and STI must continue to include civil society organizations. Providing linkage to care will ensure that “the unreached is reached, leaving no one behind”.

She further stated, “One of the achievements that the region is proud of is the Elimination of Mother-to-child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis (EMTCT). The Caribbean is a leader in EMTCT. Besides the validation of Cuba and six other Caribbean Countries in 2015 and 2017, seven of the nine countries validated are from the Caribbean.  This achievement is possible due to the primary health care focus and the integration of HIV and Syphilis primary prevention and treatment services into national maternal and child health programme”.

Ms Jones explained that as a result, the estimated coverage of HIV testing among pregnant women increased from 58% in 2010 to 73% in 2017, while ART coverage for HIV+ mothers increased from 50% in 2010 to 75% in 2017. All these have resulted in a 27% reduction of new infections among infants from 2010 to 2017, with an estimated 5,800 new HIV cases averted.

She stated, “let us all remember that the elimination of the mother-to-child transmission, which we thought was not possible, is a tangible commitment to universal health and brings us closer to ending AIDS and other STIs as a public health problem in the Caribbean.

Ms Jones reaffirmed PAHO’s commitment to work hand-in-hand with Member States and with all partners including civil society organizations to provide the necessary policy advice, technical support and capacity building so that the Region can collectively reverse the HIV epidemic, ending AIDS and priority STIs as public health problems in the Caribbean.

Hon. Terrence Deyalsingh, Minister of Health, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Chair, PANCAP Executive Board highlighted that the HIV programmatic interventions by necessity also require political will, strategic leadership, good governance and an overall unrelenting bravery. He emphasized the need to analyse evidence in a sovereign way that is cognizant of the unique country socio-cultural and economic context for executive decision-making.

He stated that winning and losing battles among programmes, policies and legislative agendas must not daunt the focus on the war against the HIV epidemic, and improved quality of life for those living with and affected by HIV.

 He shared that in 2015 Trinidad and Tobago had an uncertain future for the National AIDS Coordinating Committee (NACC) that became a loose amalgam to the health-based HIV and AIDS Coordinating Unit (HACU). There was staff attrition, minimal spending of US funds from the PEPFAR programme from 2010 to 2015 and the characteristic of the epidemic was still ill-defined in an embryonic case-based surveillance system and further stymied by these governance battles.  “As a country, we were still quoting cases ever diagnosed as over 20,000 cases to characterize our evidence base for advocacy and decision-making without knowledge of all deaths, including those related to AIDS. The country was beginning to slowly recognize that the Spectrum UNAIDS estimates were congruous with the truer reality of 11,000 persons being alive and living with HIV.

 The Minister explained that in 2015 and 2016 there was a reintegration of the NACC into the Office of the Prime Minister to oversee HIV Prevention activities particularly in spheres of community engagement through social and NGO support services, addressing childhood sexual, age and gender appropriate education as well as, child abuse and domestic violence. This brought back purpose to the health-based HIV Unit to contribute to the national HIV programme as overseen by the NACC through preserving the traditional gains in HIV testing expansion and HIV treatment and unravelling and tackling the case-based surveillance and adopting the 90-90-90 cascade histogram to guide national decision making.

“This refocus was synergistic with the 2016 UNAIDS global resolutions and with the local arm of PEPFAR’s strategic realignment of their prevention and strategic information goals to increase persons on Antiretroviral (ART) and strengthen case-based surveillance,” stated Minister Deyalsingh, “The deliberate re-engagement of PEPFAR saw a then fledgling expenditure up to 2015, increase greatly in the 2016 and 2017 fiscal years. This has assisted Trinidad and Tobago to move closer to the desired 2020 Fast Track Targets from a HACU reported 2015 baseline 90-90-90 achievements of 83-74-42, to an overall target of 79-78-87 in 2017”.

Minister Deyalsingh emphasized that Trinidad and Tobago’s roadmap offers the words and phrases of steadfast, evidence-driven, organizational and political will, and willingness to change and innovate. “A reiterated call to get technical support for country case-based surveillance systems, opt-out testing as an accelerated strategy at select health care facilities that address STI, TB, mental health, substance abuse and hospital ward admissions and mental health focus on treatment adherence are key” stated the Minister.

The Minister further stated that the HIV epidemic has been better understood and managed more aggressively in the last three years with a trajectory to further improve. “The AIDS epidemic can be ended on, or before 2030,” stated Minister Deyalsingh, “We need to be honest and look hard at what the national evidence and national socio-economic situation are sometimes screaming at us to do. There is an overdue need to collaborate in an atmosphere of mutual respect beginning with countries recognizing the global comparator of apples with apples with regional partners.  However regional and multilateral agencies must also accept that despite all the recommended plethora of actions that a sovereign country’s self-determined narrow critical path for success should be fully supported”.

Minister Deyalsingh challenged the participants to use the forum to highlight country positions, programmes and policy initiatives to provide not the “typical problem tree decorated with obstacles, but the solution tree decorated with the Caribbean resolve, as led by PANCAP to permanently root out these obstacles that must be perceived as only short-term programme gaps”.

The Minister commended the exceptional and creative leadership of the Director of PANCAP. He noted that the Region will owe him a debt of gratitude when it achieves the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets. He acknowledged the presence of the youth – CARICOM Youth Ambassadors and key population leaders – to whom he urged that the baton be passed to lead the response in the future.

– ENDS –

 Helpful links:

Seventh Meeting of the National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners Event web page

Global AIDS Update 2018 – Miles to Go

Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS

What is PANCAP?

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners.

Editor’s Notes

What are the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 Targets?

  • By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.

Background to the National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners Meeting

The Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework (CRSF) 2014-2018 articulates the vision and collective priorities of Caribbean states through their membership in the Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP). The core premise is that stemming the HIV epidemic in the Caribbean rests on the commitment, capacity and leadership of national authorities and effective response. The primary goal of regional collaborative efforts is to support country responses by addressing common challenges in the areas of evidence-based policy formulation, and innovative responses  to  addressing legislative gaps, resource mobilisation, coordination and technical assistance., An effective regional response, guided by the CRSF 2014-2018, therefore  requires that the links and interfaces between country programmes  and regional support programmes be defined and agreed to by country partners. This is critical for strengthening country ownership of the PANCAP response and a shared responsibility to strategically align efforts to end HIV as a public health problem in the Caribbean.

The National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners Meeting provides an opportunity for joint decision-making in setting programmatic priorities and identifying partner contributions in order to strategically align efforts in the fight against HIV. The Meeting Agenda is intended to allow for in-depth analysis and discussion on the relevant aspects of the UN Post 2015 Agenda, and the overall advancements of the Caribbean Region in implementing new initiatives for HIV. It is within this context that opportunities and challenges for the Region and individual countries to expand the national responses will be discussed. PANCAP acknowledges the need for greater attention to intercountry linkages and greater collaboration with regional partners. This will serve to maximise synergies and provide a mechanism for making regional public goods available to national programmes to enhance their delivery and impact.

PANCAP Knowledge Management Share Fair to focus on improving access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by men and boys

Thursday, 7 March 2019 (PANCAP Coordinating Unit, CARICOM Secretariat): The Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the mechanism that provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, will host a Knowledge Management Share Fair in Port-of-Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on 14 March 2019.  Participants will include over 80 National AIDS Programme (NAP) Managers and Implementing Partners such as civil society organizations that work with people living with HIV and key population groups (including youth).  The Share Fair is an initiative of the PANCAP Knowledge for Health project, which aims to enhance knowledge generation, sharing, and learning among HIV programme implementers and civil society around the implementation of Treat All[1] and the 90-90-90 Targets[2].

The Share Fair will expand on the capacity building initiatives implemented by the Project.  These include the Knowledge Synthesis and Best Practices Workshop (2016), South-to-South Learning Exchanges to the Dominican Republic and Jamaica (2017-2018), Treat All Message Design Workshop (2017), “Collaborating and Learning towards Treat All” Share Fair (2018), PANCAP webinars, and other ongoing regional knowledge management efforts around 90-90-90 and Treat All.

It will provide a space for NAP managers and Civil Society Organization (CSO) representatives to showcase best practices from implementation experiences, discuss critical challenges, and provide recommendations for increasing access to services for men, including men who have sex with men and other key populations in achieving 90-90-90.  Access to services by men will be a key issue during the Share Fair as the UNAIDS Global AIDS Update 2018 shows that gay men and other men who have sex with men accounted for nearly a quarter of new infections in 2017.  The report also highlighted that efforts to reach men and boys, and particularly gay men and other men who have sex with men, are constrained by health services insufficiently tailored to their needs and limited community-based services.

To build capacity in the area of improving access to health by men, the Share Fair will include a Knowledge Café, which will highlight successful Men’s Health programmes.  According to PANCAP Knowledge Coordinator, Dr Shanti Singh-Anthony, the intention is to highlight innovations from country programmes that have achieved positive results in relation to increasing access to prevention, treatment, care and support services by men and boys.  Implementers of programmes who are challenged to reach men with health services can use the innovative practices to increase men’s access to quality health services.

“Previous Share Fairs were successful in forging stronger partnerships and collaboration between NAP Managers and CSOs and sharing of best practices,” stated Dr Singh-Anthony “we intend to build on these successes.  We cannot afford to leave our men and young boys behind at this critical stage of the HIV response.  The Share Fair will provide an ideal opportunity for the two groups to utilize the lessons learned from the region to enhance services for men.  The overarching objective is to increase the number of men and boys who are accessing HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services”.

Participants will also share implementation experiences in relation to the provision of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), innovations for reaching and testing key populations, and strategies for sustaining the HIV response.

       – ENDS –


Timothy Austin

Communications Specialist

PANCAP Coordinating Unit

CARICOM Secretariat

Tel: (592) 222-0001-75| Email:

Fax: (592) 222-0203 |

 Helpful links:

What is the PANCAP Knowledge for Health Project?

 Global AIDS Update 2018 – Miles to Go

 What is PANCAP?

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners.

Editor’s Notes

What are the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 Targets?

  • By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.

[1] In September 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a new policy, which stated that anyone infected with HIV should begin antiretroviral treatment as soon after diagnosis as possible. With its “Treat-all” recommendation, WHO removed all limitations on eligibility for antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV; all populations and age groups are now eligible for treatment.

[2] Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 Targets:

  • By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.

UNAIDS is greatly encouraged by news of a possible cure of an HIV-positive man

SEATTLE/GENEVA, 5 March 2019—UNAIDS is greatly encouraged by the news that an HIV-positive man has been functionally cured of HIV. The man was treated by specialists at University College London and Imperial College London for advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2016 using stem cell transplants from a donor who carried a rare genetic mutation. Researchers report that HIV has been undetectable in the man since he stopped taking antiretroviral medicine 18 months ago.

“To find a cure for HIV is the ultimate dream,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “Although this breakthrough is complicated and much more work is needed, it gives us great hope for the future that we could potentially end AIDS with science, through a vaccine or a cure. However, it also shows how far away we are from that point and of the absolute importance of continuing to focus HIV prevention and treatment efforts.”

Stem cell transplants are highly complex, intensive and costly procedures with substantial side-effects and are not a viable way of treating large numbers of people living with HIV. However, the results do offer a greater insight for researchers working on HIV cure strategies and highlight the continuing importance of investing in scientific research and innovation.

The result, reported at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Seattle, United States of America, is one of only two cases of reported functional cures for HIV. The first was the case of the Berlin patient, Timothy Ray Brown, who received similar treatment for cancer in 2007.

There is currently no cure for HIV. UNAIDS is working to ensure that all people living with and affected by HIV have access to life-saving HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services. In 2017, there were 36.9 million people living with HIV and 1.8 million people became newly infected with the virus. In the same year, almost 1 million people died of AIDS-related illnesses and 21.7 million people had access to treatment.


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.