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National AIDS Commission of Belize
The National AIDS Commission of Belize (NAC) was appointed by cabinet and officially established in February of 2000. The NAC serves as the Country’s Coordinating Mechanism and is responsible to coordinate, facilitate and monitor the National Response to HIV/AIDS as well as the National Strategic Plan.
The NAC which serves as the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) is responsible for the multisectoral approach to coordinating the national response to HIV and AIDS so as to reduce the incidence and spread of HIV/AIDS and provide comprehensive, quality support for persons living with HIV/AIDS.
The NAC is comprised of 15 voting members under the following structure:
- Government Representatives- 7
- Civil Society Representatives- 6
- Private Sector- 1
- Faith Based Organizations-1
- UN Groups- UNDP & PAHO (technical partners)
The National AIDS Commission has four (4) subcommittees that report to the NAC membership:
- Care, Treatment & Support Services Sub committee
- Monitoring & Evaluation Sub Committee
- Information, Education & Communication Sub Committee
- Policy & Legislation Sub committee
The National AIDS Commission works out of the office of the Prime Minister and the Chair of the National AIDS Commission is appointed by the Prime Minister.
The Secretariat of the National AIDS Commission (NAC) has been established to support the work of the commission. The NAC Secretariat falls under the Office of the Prime Minister with its administrative functions overseen by the Ministry of Human Development. The Secretariat reports to the NAC. The NAC Secretariat will be responsible for facilitating the overall coordination, monitoring and evaluation role of the commission and ensures the effective implementation of the National Strategic Plan.