Sixth Meeting of National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners opens with call for more Country Ownership of HIV Response

Tuesday, March 13, 2018 (PANCAP Coordinating Unit, CARICOM Secretariat): The Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the mechanism that provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, commenced the Sixth Meeting of National AIDS Programme (NAP) Managers and Key Partners in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago from 12–14 March 2018. 

 Delivering the Feature Address, Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh, Minister of Health, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago highlighted that it has been more than 34 years since the first reported HIV and AIDS case in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean and over 17 years since highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) became a reality.

However, he emphasized the need to focus on the sustainability of the response. “From the outset of the HIV epidemic in the Caribbean, there have been varied efforts to ensure that our regional and local communities achieved sustainability in our response to HIV”, stated Minister Deyalsingh, “Sustainable HIV programmes are characterized by the ability of a national government and regional partners to increasingly assume full strategic and financial responsibility for their HIV and AIDS response over the long-term”.

The Minister explained that this requires the development and strengthening of policies, infrastructure, skills, processes, human and financial resources to ensure that the response can survive, adapt and scale-up.  He highlighted that financing is key to mounting a sustainable response and referred to the approaching 2020 deadline for the “90-90-90 Fast-Track Target”.  Further, he explained that “the region finds itself in a global environment with complex development priorities that pose challenges to national budgets and affect bilateral cooperation. The region is expected to experience reduced technical and financial inflows and must collectively mobilize domestic resources especially, for the support of prevention and the elimination of HIV-related stigma and discrimination among key and vulnerable populations, as complimentary external financing dwindles”.

Minister warned that while the desire to achieve sustainable responses is widespread, little formal research has been undertaken to assess the resilience of Caribbean territories, in the face of the withdrawal of external support.

“As a region, we need to urgently heighten the research and the debate on the sustainability of the HIV response,” stated the Minister.

Addressing the participants, Chair of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM), Global Fund Project and Minister of Education, Guyana, Honourable Nicolette Henry advocated for more country ownership of the HIV response.

“To achieve the objectives of the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS there is still need to strengthen country ownership of the response and shared responsibility to strategically align efforts to end HIV as a public health problem in the Caribbean”, stated Minister Henry, “As a region we are still challenged with late diagnosis, particularly for men. Yet there is much to celebrate. People are living much longer with HIV, many more patients are on ART and there are greater methods and practices for fast-tracking prevention, operational financing mechanisms, and authority and responsibility of National AIDS Programmes. These are all essential requirements for closing the gap and shepherding an AIDS-free generation”.

The Minister’s sentiments on low diagnosis figures for men were echoed in remarks by Dr Cesar Nuñez, UNAIDS Director, Latin America and Caribbean Regional Support Team, who stated “the region as a whole is lagging behind on the HIV testing and viral suppression targets. One of three people (36%) living with HIV in the Caribbean is not aware of their HIV status, and late diagnosis is a challenge in several countries, particularly for men. In 2016, one-third of those on treatment were not virally suppressed (33%). This is what we must seek to understand and address. Why are most systems able to initiate treatment once people are diagnosed, but not to retain them in care and achieve the gold standard of viral suppression?”

Ms Annelise Hirschmann, Regional Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean, The Global Fund noted the success of the region’s response to HIV. She reminded the participants of their critical role in defining a path for the challenges ahead and emphasized the need to use treatment and key population cascades to make decisions on investing domestic and donor funding.  Ms Hirschmann advocated that data should be used to shape decisions on the response more effectively. “We know that the region does not have huge increases in domestic financing for health, but are we effectively utilizing what is available?” stated Ms Hirschmann. She also urged participants to continue to plan for the sustainability of the HIV response in light of reduced donor funding.

Dr Edwin Bolastig, PAHO/WHO Representative (ag.), Republic of Trinidad and Tobago reiterated PAHO/WHO’s commitment to all partners involved in the HIV response towards achieving the 90-90-90 Targets by 2030.  Dr Bolastig stated that country ownership of the HIV response aligned with the Regional Strategic objectives are indeed essential for the response. He also noted that while more countries have been validated for the Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transfer of HIV and Syphilis (EMTCT), there is still work to be done.  In light of this, he recognized PANCAP’s consistent efforts to bring together regional minds for the collective thought process towards building consensus, creating synergies and generating collective action towards ending HIV.  He also highlighted the synergy between PAHO/WHO and PANCAP in advocating for universal health coverage and ensuring that no one is denied health care because of age, sexual orientation, occupation, religious beliefs, etc.

Mr Ivan Cruickshank, Administrative and Finance Manager, Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition (CVC) highlighted the critical need for data necessary to achieve the 90-90-90 Targets.  He also advocated for full involvement of civil society representatives at all levels in the implementation of HIV programmes and the region’s overall response.

Dr Nikkiah Forbes, Director, National HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases Programme, Ministry of Health, The Bahamas continued the theme of the meeting, calling for more interest by governments in the sustainability of the response.  She stated “I make a respectful but urgent plea to our governments to commit to, as well as finance their National and Regional AIDS response”.

Dr Forbes acknowledged the financial costs of such a commitment but implored governments to also consider the costs associated with inaction.  “I also want you to remember that the colour of AIDS awareness is blood red, for its connection to blood and passion – not just red for anger in the face of injustice”, stated Dr Forbes, “The AIDS response must prevail beyond party colours, such as in The Bahamas where fortunately HIV has been a matter that our successive government administrations have consistently supported”.

Director of PANCAP and Chair of the opening ceremony, Mr Dereck Springer highlighted that the meeting provided an opportunity to reflect on the Region’s progress towards achieving the 90-90-90 Targets, to identify gaps in the region’s response and discuss strategies for filling the gaps. He noted that the meeting was being convened at a time of declining resources therefore the region must ensure greater efficiencies and effectiveness of HIV programmes.

The three-day forum will culminate on Wednesday, 14 March as National AIDS Programme Managers, Chief Medical Officers, Permanent Secretaries, Development, Regional and Implementing Partners, including civil society organizations that work with people living with HIV and key population groups (including youth), are expected to reach an agreement on approaches for integration as a key strategy for sustainability of the HIV response.


What is PANCAP?

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners.

What are the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 Targets?

  • By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.

Background to the National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners Meeting

The Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework (CRSF) 2014-2018 articulates the vision and collective priorities of Caribbean states through their membership in the Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP). The core premise is that stemming the HIV epidemic in the Caribbean rests on the commitment, capacity and leadership of national authorities and effective response. The primary goal of regional collaborative efforts is to support country responses by addressing common challenges in the areas of evidence based policy formulation, and innovative responses  to  addressing legislative gaps, resource mobilisation, coordination and technical assistance., An effective regional response, guided by the CRSF 2014-2018,therefore  requires that the links and interfaces between country programmes  and regional support programmes be defined and agreed to by country partners. This is critical for strengthening country ownership of the PANCAP response and a shared responsibility to strategically align efforts to end HIV as a public health problem in the Caribbean. .

The NAP (National AIDS Program) Managers and Key Partners Meeting provides an opportunity for joint decision-making in setting programmatic priorities and identifying partner contributions in order to strategically align efforts in the fight against HIV. The Meeting Agenda is intended to allow for in-depth analysis and discussion on the relevant aspects of the UN Post 2015 Agenda, and the overall advancements of the Caribbean Region in implementing new initiatives for HIV. It is within this context that opportunities and challenges for the Region and individual countries to expand the national responses will be discussed. PANCAP acknowledges the need for greater attention to inter- country linkages and greater collaboration with regional partners. This will serve to maximise synergies, and provide a mechanism for making regional public goods available to national programmes to enhance their delivery and impact.


Timothy Austin

Communications Specialist

PANCAP Coordinating Unit

CARICOM Secretariat

Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana


Tel: (592) 222-0001-75, Ext. 3409  | Visit

Remarks by Hon. Nicolette Henry, M.P – Minister of Education, Guyana on the occasion of the Sixth Meeting of National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners

It is a pleasure to serve the people in the Caribbean as Chair of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism, Global Fund Project. Over the past years there, has been strong growth in the region’s HIV response, however, more still needs to be done to in order to sustain the response and gains made.

Mr. Chair, I see on the draft agenda for this meeting a number of important topics like where are we in fast tracking the regional AIDS response, addressing fast-tracking the HIV response and integration as a key strategy for sustainability.

These are all relevant topics for this particular National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners meeting which has strategic importance as it is happening in the year when the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework 2014-2018 comes to an end.

It is clear that some objectives of this Strategic Framework would not have been achieved. Among them, are those associated with integration and collaboration, there is still need to strengthen country ownership of the response and shared responsibility to strategically align efforts to end HIV as a public health problem in the Caribbean

As a region we still challenged with late diagnosis, particularly for men. Yet there is much to celebrate. People are living much longer with HIV and AIDS, many more patients are on ART and there are greater methods and practices for fast-tracking prevention, operational financing mechanisms, authority and responsibility of National AIDS Programme. These are all essential requirements for closing the gap and shepherding an AIDS free generation.

Our International Partners have provided support and impetus to advance the Caribbean region’s response. And I say thank you.

Let us therefore take the opportunity afforded by this Sixth Meeting of the National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners to update our strategies and activities for achieving prevention and reaching those vulnerable populations and those most in need. Let us resolve at this meeting to eliminate inequalities.

Let me conclude by repeating the words of Mr. Peter Sands Executive Director of Global Fund who advocated that there are five key messages for the global health community as we address emerging infectious disease threats: “First, we have to get better at articulating what’s at stake in making the world safer from infectious disease threats; Second, we need to talk about health security in a way that makes sense both to taxpayers in high-income countries and to the people most at risk from infectious diseases, third, we have to embed and broaden our approach to antimicrobial resistance, so that antimicrobial resistance becomes an integral component of how we tackle infectious disease; Fourth, we need to get better at working together to tackle specific diseases and to build stronger, more resilient health systems, and finally, we need to ensure that gender considerations inform health security strategies in a powerful, practical — and effective — way.

Integration of HIV Services for Sustainability of the Response and the Progress and Challenges towards Achievement of the 90-90-90 Targets for Discussion at Sixth Meeting of National AIDS Programme (NAP) Managers and Key Partners

Thursday, March 8, 2018 (PANCAP Coordinating Unit, CARICOM Secretariat): The Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the mechanism that provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, will host the Sixth Meeting of National AIDS Programme (NAP) Managers and Key Partners in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago from 12 – 14 March 2018.  Participants will include over 70 of National AIDS Programme Managers, Chief Medical Officers, Permanent Secretaries, Development and Regional Partners, Implementing Partners such as Civil Society Organizations that work with people living with HIV and Key Population groups (including youth).

The forum will focus on issues such as the integration of HIV services for sustainability of the HIV response and the progress and challenges towards achievement of the 90-90-90 targets[1].

According to Ms Gardenia Destang-Richardson, National AIDS Programme Manager, Ministry of Health Saint Kitts and Nevis and the National AIDS Programme Managers Representative on the PANCAP Governance Bodies, “the meeting will provide a forum for assessing where we are in fast tracking the regional HIV response.  Participants will discuss innovative approaches for increasing testing, including country efforts to pilot self-testing and country experiences implementing Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as part of combination prevention, as well as retaining people living with HIV in treatment and care”.

She further explained that there would be opportunities to examine integration as a key regional strategy for ending AIDS and dialogue on the need for accurate, up to date and credible data on the HIV epidemic to guide the response in the region.

In recognition of the crucial need for countries to prepare for transition and sustainability, Ms Destang-Richardson highlighted that the meeting will seek to strengthen participants’ knowledge and skills on private sector resource mobilization strategies.

Participants will also be updated on the support being provided by development and regional partners to assist countries to operationalize their programmes for fast-tracking their response.

Additionally, NAP Managers and Key Partners will be updated on the synergies among the three regional Global Fund projects in creating an enabling environment for increasing access to sexual and reproductive health and HIV services for people living with HIV and key populations.

The expected outcomes of the meeting include an agreement on approaches for integration as a key strategy for sustainability; strategies for sustaining HIV prevention, treatment and care services; summary of the gaps in the regional response and remaining challenges to achieving the 90-90-90 targets and support needed to address each of the three targets; achievements of the regional Global Fund grants to date; increased awareness of partners contributions to the targets of the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS (CRSF); Lessons learned from transition and sustainability exercise and Key policy issues for presentation to the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD) – Ministers of Health in September 2018.

Ms Destang-Richardson concluded by underscoring the importance of the meeting’s outcomes to the HIV response, “As donor funding declines, countries need to plan for how they will transition away from external funding to increased domestic funding of their HIV response. I hope that we can effectively utilize this forum to create a roadmap for the next stage of the region’s response to HIV”.

– ENDS –

What is PANCAP?

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners.

Editor’s Notes

Background to the National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners Meeting

The Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework (CRSF) 2014-2018 articulates the vision and collective priorities of Caribbean states through their membership in the Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP). The core premise is that stemming the HIV epidemic in the Caribbean rests on the commitment, capacity and leadership of national authorities and effective response. The primary goal of regional collaborative efforts is to support country responses by addressing common challenges in the areas of evidence-based policy formulation, and innovative responses  to  addressing legislative gaps, resource mobilisation, coordination and technical assistance., An effective regional response, guided by the CRSF 2014-2018, therefore  requires that the links and interfaces between country programmes  and regional support programmes be defined and agreed to by country partners. This is critical for strengthening country ownership of the PANCAP response and a shared responsibility to strategically align efforts to end HIV as a public health problem in the Caribbean. .

The NAP (National AIDS Program) Managers and Key Partners Meeting provides an opportunity for joint decision-making in setting programmatic priorities and identifying partner contributions in order to strategically align efforts in the fight against HIV. The Meeting Agenda is intended to allow for in-depth analysis and discussion on the relevant aspects of the UN Post 2015 Agenda, and the overall advancements of the Caribbean Region in implementing new initiatives for HIV. It is within this context that opportunities and challenges for the Region and individual countries to expand the national responses will be discussed. PANCAP acknowledges the need for greater attention to inter- country linkages and greater collaboration with regional partners. This will serve to maximise synergies, and provide a mechanism for making regional public goods available to national programmes to enhance their delivery and impact.

[1] What are the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 Targets?

  • By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression

Message from the Director of PANCAP on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2018

The observance of International Women’s Day is more significant than ever in 2018.  From well-organized marches to workshops and events in our region, women continue to make their fight for equality in health, economics, politics among others a very relevant part of our daily discussions.  While progress has been made since the days of the suffragettes, there is still work to be done.

I endorse the 2018 theme “press for progress” as the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report findings revealed that gender parity is over 200 years away.  This makes it even more critical for women and men to sincerely support advocating for equal pay and especially more access to health and sexual reproductive services.  There has never been a more important time to keep motivated and find ways of removing barriers to fast-tracking equal access for women.

In 2014, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) called on Caribbean countries to guarantee all women access to essential health services and interventions.  Have we heeded this call?  Are we adequately vigilant that our women and girls are receiving equal access to health care services?  These are questions that we should be constantly examining, not just on International Women’s Day, but at every opportunity possible in recognition that women and girls have invaluable contributions to make to our society.

The right to health for women and girls forms a fundamental aspect of the PANCAP Justice for All Roadmap, as we believe that no society can truly progress without equal access to health services by all.  This concept is also at the heart of PANCAP’s Vision: An AIDS-Free Caribbean. Indeed, fast-tracking the 90-90-90 goals[1] cannot be achieved without adequate focus on ensuring women and girls have equal access to sexual and reproductive health services.

I reflect on the launch of the “Spouses of Caribbean Leaders Action Network (SCLAN)” in September 2017 to tackle issues related to the health and well-being of women, adolescents and children in the Caribbean. This advocacy and action platform is advancing the ‘Caribbean Woman Caribbean Child’ (CariWaC) initiative in its championing of four major pillars:  reducing gender-based violence, reducing adolescent pregnancy, eliminating cervical cancer and eliminating mother to child transmission of HIV and syphilis.

By championing CariWaC’s four pillars, the Spouses of Caribbean Leaders have signaled their commitment to press for progress. We must support SCLAN to enable women and girls to have access to life-saving services, including HIV prevention and care, thereby achieving their potential.

I salute women, girls, and men across our region and the world, who have committed to “press for progress”. 

 Editor’s notes:

 What is PANCAP?

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners.

What is International Women’s Day (IWD)?

International Women’s Day (8 March) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. International Women’s Day (IWD) has occurred for well over a century, with the first March 8 IWD gathering supported by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Prior to this the Socialist Party of America, United Kingdom’s Suffragists and Suffragettes, and further groups campaigned for women equality. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organisation specific.

The theme for International Women’s Day 2018 is #PressforProgress

Follow updates using #IWD2018 and #PressforProgress

[1] What are the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 Targets?

  • By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression

HIV education for persons with disabilities highlighted at CRN+ HIV Environmental Scan Dissemination Meeting

The Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (CRN+), successfully completed a HIV Environmental Scan Dissemination Meeting in Paramaribo, Suriname on the 20th February. Participants included representatives from the “Double Positive Foundation”, HE+HIV Foundation, National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health, Civil Society Organizations and CCM. The meeting was facilitated by Mr. Jason Shepherd, Senior Programme Officer, CRN+.

Pivotal to the discussion were calls from participants with disabilities on ways in which HIV prevention and care services can be designed to include them. These included creating HIV education materials with the use of Braille, the tactile writing and sign language systems used by people who are visually impaired. Other ideas included the use of a picture board or touch screen that uses pictures or symbols to communicate methods of HIV prevention and care.

CRN+ Interim Chair, Mr. Winfield Tannis-Abbot commended the involvement of persons with disabilities and stated that it was crucial for CSOs and National AIDS Programmes to provide HIV prevention and care services in a manner that is suited for this audience. “There is no excuse for the lack of access to knowledge on prevention and health care services”, stated the Interim Chair, “more innovation is needed to ensure that persons with disabilities can fully participate in our HIV prevention and care efforts”.

“Along with innovation, there needs to be a willingness from all parties to fully involve persons with disabilities in HIV prevention,” stated the CRN+ Senior Programme Officer.

The meeting formed part of a series of activities by CRN+ which included similar dissemination meetings and capacity building activities for CRN+ networks and CSOs in Belize, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica in January and February 2018.

NAC (Belize) engages Civil Society Organizations in 1-day Capacity Building Session

Image: Dr. Minerva Pinelo, Communications Specialist, facilitator of the capacity building training for CSOs in Belize  

The National AIDS Commission (NAC) Belize engaged Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in a one-day capacity building and development session intended to promote and improve the quality of key CSO participation while enhancing and operationalizing each organization’s program profile. The session was held at the University of the West Indies Conference Room in January.

The one-day session focused on enhancing the country’s multi-sector approach to the HIV epidemic, and developing the CSO’s ability to create targeted, program-centric impact in achieving the 90-90-90 Goals (by 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression).

The sessions built the capacity of each organization to recognize and assess their relevance and role within the national response to HIV and how that translates into positive targeted action that will create change. Participants were asked to assess themselves based on their mandates, visions, and missions as well as identify their specific target audience in relation to the national agenda and goals. This fostered inter-agency collaboration within the CSO community of Belize and allowed each organization to identify their specific niche within the national response to HIV.

The sessions were facilitated by Dr. Minerva Pinelo, Communications Specialist and coordinated by the NAC Secretariat.  The NAC will continue to assist CSOs in their individual and collective work with the overarching aim of elevating the national HIV response.

LIVE UP remembers Kent Jordan, Technical Director

Dr. Allyson Leacock, Executive Director, LIVE UP: The Caribbean Media Alliance spoke with the editor of the PANCAP Newsletter about the amazing career of Kent Jordan, Technical Director of LIVE UP.  Kent sadly passed away on January 28 but he is fondly remembered by his colleague and friend.  Dr. Leacock’s reflections on this veteran of the HIV response is below:

“Lights, camera, action! Tape rolling… Kent lived for that moment…..that was Kent Jordan.

My words seem woefully inadequate. Kent has been my colleague and friend, since my early days in broadcasting until the morning of January 28.  We were colleagues for four decades. Throughout that time, he remained the same authentic human being, with impeccable character and integrity.

From our days at “Barbados Rediffusion” that morphed into “Voice of Barbados 790AM” (VOB), to the “Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)”, when as General Manager, I asked him if he would join my team.  We also worked closely at the “Caribbean Broadcast Media Partnership (CBMP)” and remained colleagues at “LIVE UP: The Caribbean Media Alliance”. During this time, Kent remained the same astute, committed, compassionate professional, who knew far more than most.

Talking to Kent was like watching the “Discovery Channel” (where some of his work was shown), “National Geographic” and Sci-fi channels all in one. He was a walking encyclopedia, sharing minutiae and explaining how everything worked, especially equipment and why it worked that way. His work for Caribbean tourism with his “Holiday Channel” and his work for the “United Nations Environment Programme” on climate change are testimony to his yeoman’s service, not only to Barbados but also to the Caribbean.

Unassuming and amiable, he could work with anyone from the most arrogant to the most ignorant, demonstrating a rare and admirable ability to move past ego and achieve efficiency never taking his eye off the goal. He remained in the background but was the wind beneath many wings.

There are so many outstanding highlights of his phenomenal work on projects in partnership with others, that it’s hard to choose, but for CBMP and LIVE UP some standouts are his herculean efforts producing and directing:

1. CBMP Annual Executive Meetings in Cuba, Belize, Jamaica, Curacao, and Antigua
2. LIVE UP: The Show Series for 8 years
3. Anti-stigma Messages – St. Lucia, British Virgin Islands and Jamaica, and his voice will live on in all of our Live up Public Service Announcements (PSAs).
4. Producing and directing the CBMP 5TH Anniversary Media Leaders’ Summit with over 100 Caribbean media executives
5. International AIDS Conferences in Vienna, Mexico, and Washington—when he ensured every journalist filmed, edited and filed their stories back to the Caribbean every day.
6. PANCAP@10 IN ST.MAARTEN, where Kent and the Dream Team played a critical role in the technical logistics of this milestone event! And finally,
7. Regional Testing Day – RU+UR-?… (Are you positive you are negative?) that catchy jingle and the concept for its filming in the Frank Collymore Hall was entirely Kent’s and it became a hit that had to be used over and over for four years. Kent toiled in customizing and distributing those PSAs for 21 countries every year. Last year was the swansong and grand finale at its 10th anniversary and I’m so happy he was able to be part of it, recording the 33 citations for the awards ceremony and directing the televised broadcast across the region.

Kent Jordan is nothing short of exceptional. In all the decades I’ve known Kent, I’ve never heard him complain. Kent has been our rock through thick and thin despite his health challenges, he has always selflessly given us 100 percent of his expertise, so dedicated was he to his craft and to LIVE UP.

The impressive body of work created by Kent is the embodiment of passion and professionalism. We honour Kent for his gentle spirit and unmatched loyalty and support of LIVE UP to his death.

On behalf of the Chairman and the Board, we thank his family for your gracious gesture of support and send you love and light.

“Kentus”, I miss you already.

Well done! You were good and faithful to the end. You were the personification of LIVE UP: we shall love, protect, and respect you always and forever.

And that’s a wrap!”

Are you attending? 2018 International Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Summit

The collective power of people to transform the social and political structures that govern their lives 
is the true heart of development. Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) engages and supports people to shift norms, change behaviors, and amplify the voices needed to address the persistent development challenges the world faces today: extreme poverty, gender inequities, public health emergencies, acute and chronic diseases, climate change, and democracy and governance among others.

The 2018 International Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Summit featuring Entertainment Education is organized to better understand what works in shifting social norms, changing behaviors and in amplifying the voice of those who have most at stake in the success of development efforts. It is designed to wrestle with the profound issues of social justice and agenda setting that affect these decisions. Who decides, for example, what behaviors need changing or which norms should be shifted? How can people’s realities and voices be put at the center of such change? How much emphasis should be placed on shifting norms and behaviors when power structures, policy environments or lack of services may constitute problems that overwhelm the capacity of individuals or communities to act?

Where And When Will The Summit Be Held?
Nusa Dua, Indonesia from April 16-20, 2018

Who Should Participate?
The Summit is open to a wide range of participation from government, regional entities, academics, NGOs, CSOs, global agencies and the private sector working on development and health issues.

Who Is Organizing The Summit?
The 2018 SBCC Summit will be hosted by a consortium of international and local partners including the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, The Communication Initiative, Soul City Institute, UNICEF and BBC Media Action.

Questions and answers regarding the Advisory Opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on Gender Identity, Equality and Non-Discrimination of Same-Sex Couples, requested By the Republic of Costa Rica.

Panama City, February 2018 – UNAIDS welcomes the historic Advisory Opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IHR Court), which interprets the American Convention on Human Rights to analyze aspects related to gender identity, gender equality and non-discrimination for same-sex couples. The IHR Court issued this Advisory Opinion following a request from the Government of Costa Rica, for which all signatory countries to the American Convention on Human Rights are bound.

In its decision, the Court reiterated its consistently held view that sexual orientation and gender identity are categories protected by the American Convention, in which all States “must recognize and guarantee all the rights that are derived from a family bond between people of the same sex”, including marriage. It requires governments to “guarantee access to all existing forms of legal domestic systems, including the right to marriage, to ensure the protection of all the rights of families formed by same-sex couples without discrimination”. The IHR Court also ruled that transgender people have the right to change their name in their identification documents in accordance with their self-perceived gender identification.

UNAIDS considers that the implementation of this decision will provide definitive support for HIV prevention, treatment and care enabling countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to make progress towards the zero discrimination target while leaving no one behind in the framework of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

This document’s objective is to facilitate the reading of the Advisory Opinion by detailing the answers to frequently asked questions and providing guidance on possible follow-up actions for civil society and communities.

What is the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IHR Court)?

It is a judicial body of the Organization of American States (OAS), and is autonomous from other bodies within the same organization. The headquarters of the IHR Court are in San José, Costa Rica, and its objective is to apply and interpret the American Convention on Human Rights and other human rights treaties over which the Court has jurisdiction. This is achieved through the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights.

What is the American Convention on Human Rights (the Convention)?

In November 1969, the Inter-American Specialized Conference on Human Rights was held in San José, Costa Rica, at which, delegates from Member States of the Organization of American States wrote the Convention, which came into effect on July 18, 1978. Currently, 23 nations are signatories to the Convention: Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Suriname and Uruguay.

What is the jurisdiction of the Advisory Opinions issued by the IHR Court?

Member States of the OAS may consult the Court about the interpretation of the American Convention on Human Rights or other human rights instruments ratified by the American States. This is what Costa Rica did by consulting the IHR Court about the scope of the Advisory Opinion issued on the rights of people in same-sex relationships in terms of marriage and transgender people and their gender identity. This regional ruling, which is binding through Advisory Opinion OC-24/17, was issued on November 24, 2017.

What is the scope of a binding Advisory Opinion issued by the IHR Court?

When a State is signatory to an international treaty, such as the Convention, all of its bodies, including judicial and legislative powers, are bound to this treaty. Under this obligation, States must in good faith facilitate the necessary legislative, administrative and judicial reforms to adjust their internal regulations and practices to the progressive interpretation of the Convention. However, the IHR Court ruled that it is necessary that States find a way to overcome institutional and political difficulties to adjust their legislation to the new Advisory Opinion. These reforms are the result of legal developments, either judicial or legislative that cover other geographic zones in the continent and are understood as a progressive interpretation of the Convention.

Based on this decision by the IHR Court, can transgender people who live in countries that have ratified the American Convention legally change their name in line with their self-perceived gender?

The IHR Court ruled that changing one’s name, modifying one’s appearance, and correcting the sex category in registration and identification documents to reflect an individual’s self-perceived sex are human rights protected by the American Convention. As a result, States are obliged to recognize, regulate and establish the necessary procedures to guarantee these rights.

Based on the Advisory Opinion issued by the IHR Court, will people of the same sex be able to marry?

The IHR Court ruled that a family bond involving a same-sex relationship is protected by the Convention. Subsequently, it recognized that all property rights that arise from same-sex couple’s family relationships must be protected in the same manner as the property rights of heterosexual couples. Creating new legal entities is not necessary in order to guarantee same-sex couples’ rights, and thus the Court opted to extend existing institutions and rights to same-sex couples, including marriage, according to the pro persona principle.

What impact could the application of this advisory opinion have on the HIV response and for transgender people?

In its Advisory Opinion, the Court stated that “the recognition of gender identity by the State is of vital importance to guarantee the full enjoyment of human rights by transgender people”. This includes, among other rights, protection against all forms of violence, torture and mistreatment, as well as the guaranteeing the rights to health, education, employment, housing, and access to social security, including the right to free expression and association. The full enjoyment of rights by transgender people positively impacts their access to essential prevention, treatment, care and support services related to HIV. Experience has demonstrated that access to services and HIV prevention increase when these are provided in safe environments that are free of stigma and discrimination. Transgender people who can fully enjoy their human rights have greater opportunities to participate and freely use these services, just like any other citizen.

What impact could the application of this Advisory Opinion have on HIV prevention, treatment, and care for people who have been excluded and discriminated against because of their sexual orientation and haven’t enjoyed legal recognition of same-sex relationships?
With the recognition of same-sex couples, the Court has continued its effort to reduce stigma and discrimination against people due to their sexual orientation, which will contribute to a more inclusive society, enabling people who identify as gay, bisexual and lesbian to access healthcare services, including those related to HIV prevention, treatment and care, in a free and safe environment and on an equal basis.

What concrete actions must be carried out to implement the Advisory Opinion at a country level?

We suggest developing a political advocacy plan in a participatory manner by encouraging more diverse participation from civil society that facilitates social and community mobilization and influences decision-making regarding the implementation of the Advisory Opinion. Related activities include:

Analysis and adaptation of the Advisory Opinion to the national legal framework.

Developing a suitable intervention plan for existing bodies and mechanisms in the country, in accordance with the Convention.
Devising a communication plan that includes press releases, interviews, and collecting opinions from experts and human rights defenders.
Carrying out a follow-up and monitoring plan.

‘Justice for Our Girls’ March to take aim at inequality and violence

GEORGETOWN, GUYANA: The “Justice for Our Girls” March, scheduled for 10 March, will focus on the fight against gender inequality and gender-based violence.

The activity is being organised by the Student Society Against Human Rights Violations in collaboration with Life in Leggings: Caribbean Alliance Against Gender-based Violence.

The event will see participants assembling at the Square of the Revolution before moving along Brickdam to the Stabroek Market Square.

There will be speeches, cultural performances, and free social services, such as on-site HIV testing, after the March.

According to Student Society Against Human Rights Violations member Akola Thompson, the March is centered upon intersectional feminism.

“Mental health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and child safety and LGBT rights are topics that will be addressed at the March through speeches, performances and group engagements,” she said.

A similar event was held last March when a large number of persons joined others around the Caribbean who marched in recognition of the historic achievements women have made worldwide, and to continue the struggle for equality.