Six Caribbean territories and states eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis

Saint Kitts and Nevis/ Geneva, December 1, 2017 – Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Saint Kitts and Nevis were today certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as having eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis.

“This elimination is the result of our strong political commitment to public health and of making the health of mothers, children and families a regional priority,” said Timothy Harris, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis. Over the last six years the Caribbean has succeeded in reducing new HIV infections in children by more than half. “This is an amazing achievement given the high rates of HIV in the past, and we intend to improve on this success story even more in the future.”

Carissa F. Etienne, Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and Regional Director for the Americas of WHO, said “This elimination is a remarkable achievement that puts the Americas at the forefront of the global effort to ensure that no child is born with HIV or congenital syphilis”. “With political commitment, stronger health systems, and timely prevention, diagnosis and treatment, we can achieve great changes,” she added.

“UNAIDS congratulates the six states and territories on this important achievement,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “All countries should follow their example and ensure that every child has an HIV-free start to his or her life.”

In 2015, Cuba, another Caribbean island, became the first country in the world to receive validation from WHO for having achieved elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis. Subsequently, Thailand and Belarus were also validated as having achieved dual elimination, while Armenia received validation of its elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and the Republic of Moldova was validated for the elimination of congenital syphilis.

Since the launch in 2010 of the Regional Initiative for the Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Congenital Syphilis in Latin America and the Caribbean—coordinated by PAHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), with support from other regional partners—new HIV infections have been reduced in the Caribbean by more than 52% among children, from 1800 in 2010 to fewer than a thousand in 2016. Reported cases of congenital syphilis, meanwhile, remain below the goal of having no more than 50 cases per 100,000 live births, although they have not declined since 2010, and it is likely there is underreporting of cases.

“The elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis is not just a dream; it’s an achievable goal,” said Maria Cristina Perceval, UNICEF Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. “Today we can say we are closer to ensuring an AIDS-free generation”.

In the Caribbean as of 2016, 74% of pregnant women living with HIV, 64% more than in 2010, had access to antiretroviral therapy to protect their health and significantly reduce the possibility of transmitting the virus to their children during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding. The increased access to treatment contributed to a 52% reduction in the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV between 2010 and 2016, which is now at 9%, still higher than the target of 2%.

Other changes in the health sector that have contributed to this progress include intensive participation by both the public and private health sectors, led by the ministries of health, in the implementation of comprehensive maternal and child health services, with an emphasis on universal coverage and quality antenatal and prenatal care. They also include expanded testing to ensure early detection and immediate treatment for both HIV and syphilis, laboratory networks of guaranteed quality in accordance with international standards and the implementation of essential measures to guarantee the human rights of women living with HIV.

“The validation for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis sends a strong message that the Caribbean is making remarkable inroads to achieving the goal of an AIDS-free generation and the achievement directly aligns with achieving our vision and objectives,” said Dereck Springer, Director of the Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS. “The spread of the disease from mothers to children is being halted, but elimination status must be maintained and other Caribbean countries must strengthen their services with the goal of receiving validation from WHO,” he added.

The elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis is an important milestone for ending AIDS and sexually transmitted infections as public health threats by 2030, commitments endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly and by the World Health Assembly. Other PAHO Member States in the Caribbean are participating in the formal validation process, and it is expected that more will be recognized for their achievements in 2018.

Spotlight on HIV prevention

This week, PAHO and UNAIDS launched their first joint report on HIV prevention in the Americas, entitled HIV Prevention in the Spotlight: A Health Sector Analysis in Latin America and the Caribbean. The report shows that the number of new HIV infections among adults remained stable in Latin America and the Caribbean between 2010 and 2016, at about 120,000 new HIV infections annually. The report urges countries to step up the implementation of a comprehensive package of interventions to prevent new HIV infections for key populations, so as to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030.

Among the report’s specific recommendations is expanded access to HIV self-testing and diagnosis of other sexually transmitted infections, the provision of pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis as recommended by WHO, treatment for all people living with HIV, and eliminating discrimination.

HIV and syphilis in the Caribbean in 2016*
• 310 000 [280 000–350 000] people living with HIV.
• 64% [51–74%] of people living with HIV know their status.
• 81% [64– >85%] of people diagnosed with HIV on antiretroviral therapy.
• 67% [53–77%] of people on antiretroviral therapy have a suppressed viral load.
• 18 000 [15 000–22 000] new HIV infections.
• 9400 [7300–12 000] AIDS-related deaths.
• 1.25 million live births in 2014 in 31 Caribbean countries.
• 10 000 [8700–12 000] children up to 14 years of age living with HIV, 29% less than in 2010.
• <1000 [<1000–1000] new HIV infections among children up to 14 years old in 2016, more than 52% less than in 2010.
• 11 000 [9000–13 000] new HIV infections prevented among children up to 14 years old from 2010 to 2016.
• 97% of women attend at least one antenatal check-up, and 94% of deliveries took place in hospitals in 2016.
• 78% of pregnant women were tested for HIV in 2016, 35% more than in 2010.
• 74% [65–84%] of pregnant women living with HIV are on antiretroviral therapy, a 64% increase since 2010.
• 9% rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, 52% less than in 2010.
• 96% coverage of testing for syphilis among pregnant women who had at least one prenatal visit, stable since 2010.
• 80% of pregnant women diagnosed with syphilis received adequate treatment, stable since 2010.
• 1 case of congenital syphilis every 10 000 live births in 2016 according to data from 21 countries, stable since 2010.
* Source: Global Monitoring of AIDS 2017, UNAIDS and data directly reported by countries to PAHO.
WHO validation process

The validation process begins with a request from a country to PAHO for the validation of the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis. Then, an independent Regional Validation Committee is formed to carry forward the process, using the global validation standards recommended by WHO.

In the case of these Caribbean states and territories, the members of the regional committee were experts from 10 countries of the Americas, who reviewed the reports of each state and carried out virtual and in situ evaluations in four key areas: health programmes and services, data and information systems, laboratory quality and human rights, gender equality and community participation.

On the recommendation of the regional committee, the Global Validation Advisory Committee conducted a second review and recommended to the Director-General of WHO the validation of Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Saint Kitts and Nevis for the achievement of the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis as a public health threat.

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) works with the countries of the Americas to improve the health and quality of life of their peoples. Founded in 1902, it is the oldest international public health organization in the world. It acts as the regional office for the Americas of the WHO and is the specialized health agency of the inter-American system.

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Note to editors:

The indicators required by PAHO / WHO for validation in the Americas include:
Impact indicators—must be reached for at least two consecutive years:
• 30 cases or fewer of new perinatal HIV infections per 100,000 live births; and
• 50 cases or fewer of congenital syphilis per 100,000 live births; and
• 2% or below rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
Process indicators—must be achieved for at least two consecutive years:
• 95% or more of all pregnant women should receive at least one antenatal care visit.
• 95% or more of pregnant women living with HIV tested for the virus.
• 95% or more of pregnant women attending prenatal care screened for syphilis.
• 95% or more of pregnant women diagnosed with HIV or syphilis receive adequate treatment.

The term validation is used to attest that a country has successfully achieved the indicators (regional and global targets established for validation) to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis at a specific point in time and demonstrate a health system strong enough to maintain the gains.


Global validation of the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis
Video – Elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV and syphilis in the Caribbean:
HIV Prevention in the Spotlight: A Health Sector Analysis in Latin America and the Caribbean
PAHO/WHO Washington, DC
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UNAIDS Geneva | Sophie Barton-Knott | tel. +41 79 514 6896 |
UNAIDS Jamaica | Cedriann Martin | tel. +1 876-960-6536 |

World AIDS Day 2017 Message from Winfield Tannis-Abbott, Interim Chair of the Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (CRN+)

Today the Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV (CRN+) commemorates World AIDS Day under the theme “Right to Health”. This theme is meant to encourage every individual to address the barriers that impede them from achieving optimal physical and mental health. At the same time, we urge our states to accelerate progress toward fulfilling the commitment made through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages.

Caribbean progress toward ending AIDS but gaps remain

The Caribbean has joined the community of nations in committing to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Significant progress has been made in scaling up access to HIV treatment. According to UNAIDS more than half (52%) of all people living with HIV in the Caribbean were on treatment in 2016. There was a 28% decline in AIDS-related deaths in the region between 2010 and 2016. And this region leads the world in progress toward eliminating mother-to-child HIV transmission.

But while this advancement is encouraging, there should be no room for complacency as there are still significant gaps. Roughly one-third of people living with HIV in the Caribbean (36%) do not know their status.

Additionally, just one of every three people (33%) on HIV treatment is virally suppressed.  This should not be the case when testing and treatment services are available.
In order to close the gaps, policy-makers, social and health care providers should be more responsive to the specific needs of people living with HIV. Stock-outs of antiretroviral medication must become a thing of the past. Diagnostic and monitoring laboratory services should be properly managed and resourced. The mental health and social needs of people living with HIV must be priorities.

Critically, stakeholders should ensure confidentiality and work to eliminate stigma and discrimination within healthcare settings. Everyone should feel safe and comfortable in accessing health services. No person should be discriminated against or denied access because of their HIV status, age, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, language, geographical location, marital status or any other characteristic.

People living with HIV must assert their right to health

It is also incumbent upon people living with HIV to exercise their rights by seeking support, counselling, treatment and routine monitoring of their CD4 counts and viral loads. We must scale up the Greater Involvement of People living with HIV or GIPA principles, ensuring that we support full involvement and ownership by networks and communities of people living with HIV. By the same token, vulnerable and key populations including young people, sex workers, men who have sex with men and transgender people, need to be involved to ensure the strategies we develop are actually responsive to the needs of those we hope to reach

Remembering PLHIV in hurricane-ravaged islands

As we observe this day, we must pause to remember how the recent natural disasters in our region have exposed the need for policies and planning to ensure the availability of medicines and HIV services in emergency contexts. Assessments must be done now on the impact of these disasters on countries’ HIV responses. When our paths to sustainability can so easily be diverted by a hurricane or earthquake, disaster preparedness, recovery and building resilience must be priorities. As the islands of Dominica, Barbuda and the British Virgin Islands in particular work to recover, we urge government and development partners to address the health and social needs of the community of people living with HIV.

A call to the people of the Caribbean: Get tested! Held end stigma and discrimination!

As CRN+ joins the rest of the world in marking World AIDS Day 2017, we call upon all Caribbean people who have not yet taken an HIV test to do so today. Knowing your HIV status is very important as the experience can help either strengthen your efforts to stay HIV-free or guide you to the treatment and care services that will allow you to live a long, healthy and productive life with HIV.

Beginning today, we must shout out and pledge that stigma and discrimination end with me. Let us commit to reinvigorating our efforts to realize a world free of AIDS and to ending the scourge of discrimination. I urge our fellow Caribbean countries to protect the basic human rights of people living with HIV, including their rights to physical and mental health and well-being, social and economic opportunities, and full participation in shaping prosperous and sustainable societies.

Message from the PANCAP Champions for Change on the occasion of World AIDS Day 2017 

We, the sixteen PANCAP Champions for Change (C4C), join the many voices on this World AIDS Day (WAD) in a clarion call for the right to health to be a fundamental human right for our people. This includes the right to be treated with dignity, irrespective of sexual orientation, social status, age, gender identity or disability.

Our diverse group of youth, religious, medical and media professionals, parliamentarians, academics and advocates come from The Bahamas in the north to Suriname and Guyana in the south.

Collectively, we pledge our support for Universal Health with access and coverage for all. We believe that our Caribbean babies deserve to be born HIV free, and there is no reason why the world’s largest vulnerable group, the disabled, should not enjoy the same rights and respect as others do.

On this WAD and every day of the year, we encourage all the people of our Region to participate in a relentless campaign against HIV/AIDS.  We want to empower our citizens to take responsibility for their health; include all citizens by providing access to health care services without stigma and discrimination; encourage and facilitate their full participation through effective partnerships for sustainability.

We call for prevention efforts to be scaled up to include testing and behaviour change and development communication as we accelerate our efforts to end AIDS by 2030.  We recommend, among other initiatives, the critical involvement of the media in shaping messages for social change.

The media are very important given their power to inform and educate, break the silence, challenge stigma and discrimination, follow-through by connecting audiences to HIV services, and help build political will.

In this regard, we believe that increased engagement of the religious community is a critical factor in this quest; that Social Media and Mass Media should be used strategically for the widest and most instantaneous reach and impact; that the strategic partnership with religious Organisations will reduce the challenges created by ‘miscommunication’ and enhance stakeholders participation in the HIV response.

Indeed, networking with all stakeholders must be the way forward for sustainability. This means redoubling our efforts to get the public and private sectors as well as civil society and religious organizations to join the promotion of Treat All, which includes the concept of Test and Start. In all of this, our Youth must also be at the forefront of the decision-making.

Practical challenges to the status quo and responses to the challenges are needed.  HIV/AIDS/Gender Sexual Violence (GSV) programmes and interventions must outline the importance of religious organizations in the response to GSV as part of the overall response/commitment to the AIDS response; their powerful influence in family life—where much of GSV occurs—and therefore their ability to develop attitudes that lead to non-violent family relationships must be exploited. These are issues that make populations vulnerable to HIV. It is therefore imperative that the Region begins to confront them openly so that the shame and stigma that attend them are to be removed.

As our Region moves towards ending AIDS by 2030, we, the PANCAP Champions for Change, recommend strengthening social norms and policies by involving people living with HIV in planning and implementing relevant and sustainable programmes and services. As everyone has a right to health, health practitioners and facilities must offer innovative modalities for prevention (e.g., Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis [PrEP]).  We must explore and provide the best and preferred HIV treatment options, especially low cost generics, for the preferred medicines that have been recently brokered. For years, there has been advocacy at all levels for better medications for the Caribbean.  Now that this is possible, they must be available for every patient in every Caribbean country.

We think it is important to highlight the World Health Organisation (WHO)’s definition of health: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Within this context, as Champions, we have committed to focus on the promotion of healthy living. We reiterate that future interventions and advocacy against stigma directed at key populations, we believe that as a Region, we can end AIDS by 2030.

Finally, we implore the Region (Governments and Civil Society) to invest in behaviour change for development in Caribbean societies as the benefits are a secure and enabling environment that facilitates access to health irrespective of identity and status.

It is also vital to keep stakeholders updated on the results of interventions. In this context, as well we urge our parliamentarians to remove the legal strictures that have hampered prevention, treatment and care programmes.

Statement by UNAIDS Latin America and Caribbean Regional Support Team Director, Dr César Núñez

This World AIDS Day highlights the importance of the right to health as an essential condition to achieve the end of AIDS by 2030, as set forth in the Sustainable Development Goals.
The right to health is a fundamental human right. It is the right of everyone to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.

For the right to health to be fulfilled, it is imperative:

-that everyone, regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or social status, has access to the prevention and treatment of any disease,
-that health is affordable or free,
-and that quality health services are free from discrimination.

The right to health goes beyond access to health services and medicines. It is also linked to a variety of important rights, such as access to a comprehensive and quality education, good nutrition and healthy working conditions.

Fulfilling the right to health enables everyone to fulfil their promise and their dreams.
Latin America and the Caribbean have made important progress towards the Fast-Track goals. Latin America is among the regions of the world with the highest proportions of people living with HIV who know their status and in the Caribbean, the proportion of people living with HIV who know their status and are on treatment is over 80%.

But we cannot be complacent:

– Not when there are still millions of people such as people living with HIV; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people; sex workers; indigenous populations and migrants, who do not have access to health services because of stigma and discrimination.
– Not when there are still young people and adolescents who are denied the possibility of making informed decisions about their health and well-being, because they do not receive the education they need.
-Not when there are women who, due to inequalities and gender violence, encounter barriers that prevent them from accessing comprehensive health services.

Inequities in access to health are not acceptable and have to be eradicated.  States have a duty to respect, protect and guarantee the right to health of their citizens.

AIDS is not over, but it could be if we make sure that everyone, without exception, anywhere in the world, can fully exercise their right to health.

Message from Executive Director of UNAIDS Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr Michel Sidibé 

This World AIDS Day, we are highlighting the importance of the right to health and the challenges that people living with and affected by HIV face in fulfilling that right.

The right to health is a fundamental human right—everybody has the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, as enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

The world will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals—which include the target of ending AIDS by 2030—without people attaining their right to health. The right to health is interrelated with a range of other rights, including the rights to sanitation, food, decent housing, healthy working conditions and a clean environment.

The right to health means many different things: that no one person has a greater right to health care than anyone else; that there is adequate health-care infrastructure; that health-care services are respectful and non-discriminatory; and that health care must be medically appropriate and of good quality. But the right to health is more than that—by attaining the right to health, people’s dreams and promises can be fulfilled.

On every World AIDS Day, we look back to remember our family members and friends who have died from AIDS-related illnesses and recommit our solidarity with all who are living with or affected by HIV.

From the beginning, the AIDS response was built on the fundamental right to health and well-being. The AIDS community advocated for rights-based systems for health and to accelerate efforts for the world to understand HIV: how to prevent it and how to treat it.

Too many people—especially those who are the most marginalized and most affected by HIV—still face challenges in accessing the health and social services they urgently need. We all must continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people being left behind and demand that no one is denied their human rights.

This year has seen significant steps on the way to meeting the 90–90–90 treatment targets towards ending AIDS by 2030. Nearly 21 million people living with HIV are now on treatment and new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths are declining in many parts of the world. But we shouldn’t be complacent. In eastern Europe and central Asia, new HIV infections have risen by 60% since 2010 and AIDS-related deaths by 27%. Western and central Africa is still being left behind. Two out of three people are not accessing treatment. We cannot have a two-speed approach to ending AIDS.

For all the successes, AIDS is not yet over. But by ensuring that everyone, everywhere accesses their right to health, it can be.

Message from the Secretary-General, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque on the occasion of World AIDS Day 2017

The Caribbean Community joins the rest of the world in observing World AIDS Day 2017.

Through its specialised agency, the Pan Caribbean Partnership Against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the Community has been directly engaged with issues relating to this disease since 2001. The importance of a healthy population was underscored by our Heads of Government when in the Nassau Declaration of that same year, they asserted that the “Health of the Region is the Wealth of the Region”. In preserving that wealth, we must be prepared to engage with any threat that diminishes it.

In that regard, the Region has made significant strides in its efforts to reduce the incidence of HIV and AIDS. For example today six new countries will be certified as having achieved the target for elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Saint Kitts and Nevis. That is just the latest evidence that the goals are attainable particularly with the requisite support from our international partners.

Unfortunately, the Caribbean remains one of the most affected regions with serious concern about the increasing prevalence among our youth. It is crucial, therefore for us to maintain and increase our efforts if we are to reverse that trend and preserve the gains that we have made.

The on-going collaboration between PANCAP and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) is a key element as we seek to fulfil the goal of expanding access to quality treatment, care and support of people living with HIV and Aids.

To make this year’s observance of World Aids Day meaningful, let us commit ourselves today to the vision of an AIDS-Free Caribbean.

Remarks by the Director of PANCAP – Opening Ceremony for the Caribbean Judicial Dialogue

Hon Mr. Justice Peter Jamadar, Chair, Trinidad and Tobago Judicial Education Institute, Hon Mr. Justice Ivor Archie, Chief Justice of Trinidad and Tobago, Hon Dame Janice Pereira, Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Hon Mr. Justice Dennis Morrison, President of the Court of Appeal of Jamaica, Judges of Appeal, High Court and Supreme Court Judges, Parish Judges and Magistrates, Professor Rose Marie Bell Antoine, Faculty of Law, The UWI St Augustine Campus. I bring you greetings on behalf of the Chair of PANCAP, The Right Honourble Timothy Harris, Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Lead Head with Responsibility for Human Resources, Health and HIV within the CARICOM Quaisi Cabinet, and Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community.

The Pan Caribbean Partnership Against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP) fully welcomes this Caribbean Judicial Dialogue that is consistent with PANCAP’s Justice for All programme which establishes human rights as a priority of the regional response through a Pan Caribbean Declaration and Roadmap. The programme is aimed at reducing stigma, eliminating discrimination and strengthening rights-based legislative frameworks through the reform of laws that are incompatible with international commitments. PANCAP recognises the value of this dialogue given the importance of judicial awareness of implicit bias in relation to key population groups as well as the role that our legal infrastructure plays in facilitating access to justice by such populations.

We will be observing World AIDS Day tomorrow, December 1st, under the theme Right to Health. The universal and undeniable right to health provides everyone with the right to realize the highest attainable standard of health without stigma or discrimination. The Partnership believes that only by placing human rights at the centre of global health can we ensure that health care is accessible, acceptable, available and of good quality for everyone, leaving no one behind. I am reminded of Justice Sir Dennis Byron’s feature address at the PANCAP Relaunch Champions for Change in September 2017, in which he contended that law is a determinant of health. In this context, you the members of the judiciary are best placed to facilitate the right to health of all individuals, and particularly that of key populations, by creating a more favourable climate for those most vulnerable to HIV.

I wish you a very fruitful dialogue. Thank you

PANCAP Directors’ Message on the occasion of 2017 World AIDS Day Observance

I salute UNAIDS’ choice of the World AIDS Day theme – ‘Right to Health’. This theme is even more relevant today since advances in treatment have brought HIV into the realm of chronic diseases as persons living with HIV are now having to deal with other chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. These developments, therefore, warrant a comprehensive approach to delivering health care to persons living with HIV.

The universal and undeniable right to health provides everyone with the right to realize the highest attainable standard of health without discrimination or stigma. UNAIDS acknowledges that only by placing human rights at the centre of global health can we ensure that health care is accessible, acceptable, available and of good quality for everyone, leaving no one behind.

The Pan Caribbean Partnership Against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP) has long recognised the critical need to situate access to health within a human rights framework. This is reflected in our Justice for All programme which focuses on affirming human rights and reducing stigma and discrimination that hinder people living with HIV and other key population groups’ access to health care services.

PANCAP has recently finalised its Regional Advocacy Strategy and five-year Implementation Plan for a coordinated and streamlined approach for systems advocacy, access to justice and redress, community and health services and financing and sustainability that will assist in creating an enabling environment for vulnerable groups to access HIV prevention and treatment without the fear of stigma and discrimination. A PANCAP message has been developed for each strategy. Included in these messages is the Right to Health.

The UNAIDS theme also acknowledges that the Sustainable Development Goals, underpinned by human rights, provide a framework to leverage opportunities between the right to health and other rights, including the right to education, equality, non-discrimination, access to justice, privacy and food.

Our regional Partnership has collectively committed to be guided by our Regional Advocacy Strategy, the framework for advancing our advocacy efforts to work toward creating an enabling environment for people living with HIV and key populations to realize the highest attainable standard of health without stigma or discrimination. Like you, they too have a right to health.

PAHO/WHO, UNAIDS call for stepping up HIV prevention efforts and offering all available options to prevent new infections

Washington, DC, November 29, 2017 (PAHO/WHO) — A new report from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Regional Office for the Americas of WHO, and UNAIDS says that expanding access to all HIV prevention options that are now available would reduce the number of new cases of HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean, which since 2010 has remained at 120,000 every year.

Launched on the eve of World AIDS Day, the report, HIV Prevention in the Spotlight – An Analysis from the Perspective of the Health Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, analyzes progress made and challenges facing health systems in preventing HIV transmission.

“We have seen important progress in the fight against AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean, with major reductions in childhood infections, improved treatment and fewer deaths from AIDS. But we have not yet seen the same success in terms of reducing new cases in adults,” said PAHO Director Carissa F. Etienne. “Preventing new infections requires intensifying efforts and ensuring that the most vulnerable people have access to all options and new technologies in a discrimination-free environment.”

The report advocates what is known as the combination prevention approach, which is based on scientific evidence, respect for human rights and non-discrimination, and which includes three elements: offering a comprehensive package of biomedical interventions to users, promotion of healthy behaviors, and establishment of enabling environments that facilitate access to and use of prevention measures.

According to the report and UNAIDS data, the majority (64%) of new HIV cases occur in gays and other men who have sex with men, in sex workers and their clients, in transgender women, in people who inject themselves drugs, and in couples belonging to those key population groups. In addition, one-third of new infections occur in young people aged 15 to 24.

“Reducing new HIV infections among key population groups and the most vulnerable, including women and young people, will require specific high-impact HIV prevention actions, access to evidence, treatment for all, and joint actions against discrimination,” said UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean César Núñez. He added that it is equally important to have “an unwavering commitment to respect, gender equality, protection and the promotion of human rights, including the right to health.”
Offering a range of prevention methods

Currently, there are many scientifically proven prevention options that health services can offer to help people prevent HIV infection and protect their health. These measures include new options such as self-administered HIV testing, which can be done at home, and the availability of HIV testing in places other than health centers. In Latin America, 2 in 10 people with HIV and 4 in 10 in the Caribbean do not know they have the virus, which represents an improvement over last year. Early diagnosis improves the quality of life of people with HIV and also helps prevent new infections.

Other recommendations include providing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), to people at high risk of contracting HIV and offering post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in emergency situations, such as when someone has sex with a partner without knowing that person’s HIV status. Although the Region of the Americas pioneered early research that supported WHO’s 2015 recommendation to adopt PrEP, only three of the region’s countries currently offer pre-exposure prophylaxis in their public health service.

The report also advocates distribution of condoms and lubricants, offering syphilis testing at the same time as HIV testing, and providing universal access to treatment, which significantly improves the health of people with HIV while also reducing the risk that they will infect their partners. The report also recommends the promotion of peer-led community outreach activities and providing health information and education.
The publication warns against dependence on international funding for prevention actions (such as peer education and provision of condoms and tests by NGOs) for key population groups, while also highlighting the decisive role that civil society can play in making the HIV response more effective, particularly in the area of prevention.

The report calls on governments, civil society and international organizations to work together in partnerships to accelerate the introduction of new prevention technologies, expand the availability of prevention options and ensure universal access to HIV prevention services to reduce new infections and end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in the Caribbean

On December 1st, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, and St. Kitts and Nevis will receive validation from WHO for having eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis. Experts from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, UNAIDS, PANCAP/CARICOM and the Regional Validation Committee, along with the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Timothy Harris, will announce this achievement and describe efforts made to reach it, in addition to progress at the regional level. Participants will include health ministers and other high-level officials from the honoured islands.

After Cuba in 2015, this group of six countries and territories are the second in the Region of the Americas to receive this recognition. Until now, only two other countries in the world, Thailand and Belarus, have received WHO validation for dual elimination, while Armenia and the Republic of Moldova achieved global elimination goals for mother-to-child transmission of HIV, and syphilis, respectively.

The ceremony will take place at 4:00 p.m. EST Time in St. Kitts Marriot Resort and will be transmitted live on
The AIDS epidemic in the Caribbean 2016 *
• An estimated 310,000 (280,000-350,000) people were living with HIV in the Caribbean as of 2016
• Approximately 18,000 (15,000-22,000) new HIV infections occurred in the region.
• Some 9,400 (7,300-12,000) people died from AIDS-related illnesses in the Caribbean.
• Between 2010 and 2016, the number of AIDS-related deaths in the region declined 28%.
• Treatment coverage reached 52% (41% -60%) of all people living with HIV in the Caribbean.
• Fewer than 1,000 new HIV infections occurred in children in the Caribbean.
* UNAIDS data:

Click here for the 2017 World AIDS Day Infographic.

PAHO works with all the countries of the Americas to improve the health and quality of life of people throughout the region. Founded in 1902, PAHO is the world’s oldest international public health agency. It serves as Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO) and is the specialized health agency of the inter-American system.

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

HIV Prevention in the Spotlight – An Analysis from the Perspective of the Health Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
World AIDS Day 2017 (PAHO):
World AIDS Day 2017 (UNAIDS)

Leticia Linn,  Tel. + 1 202 974 3440, Mobile: +1 202 701 4005, Email:; Sebastián Oliel, Tel: +1 202 974 3459, Mobile: +1 202 316 5679, Email:; Daniel Epstein, Tel. +1 202 974 3579, Email: PAHO/WHO:

Michela Polesana, Tel. + 507 3014626 Mobile: + 507 69494371 Email:; Daniel De Castro, Tel: +55 61 3038-9221, Mobile: +55 61 99304-2654, Email:; Cedriann Martin, Tel: + 1 876 396-7610, Email:

Starting ART immediately after HIV diagnosis cuts mortality risk by two-thirds for people with high CD4 cell counts

People with a high CD4 cell count who start antiretroviral therapy (ART) immediately after diagnosis with HIV cut their 12-month mortality risk by two-thirds, according to research conducted in China and published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

The retrospective study involved over 35,000 people who were newly diagnosed with HIV between 2012 and 2014. All had a CD4 cell count above 500 cells/mm3. Over 12 months of follow-up, individuals who started antiretrovirals within 30 days of their diagnosis had a 63% reduction in their mortality risk compared to people who remained antiretroviral-naïve. Delayed treatment (initiation after 30 days of diagnosis) also reduced mortality, but only by 26%.

“Our results demonstrate that PLWH [people living with HIV] with a CD4 cell count > 500 cells/mm3 who initiated ART within 30 days of diagnosis…experienced a 63% decrease in mortality,” write the investigators. “Additional risk factors for mortality in this study were older age, being male, having lesser education, and becoming infected via injection drug use or heterosexual contact.”

Since 2015, the World Health Organization has recommended that all people with HIV should take antiretroviral therapy, regardless of CD4 cell count. This is because research has proved that treatment, even at high CD4 cell counts, reduces the risk of illness and death. Moreover, people taking treatment who have an undetectable viral load have an effectively zero risk of transmitting HIV to their sexual partners.

Investigators in China wanted to see if immediate ART cut the mortality risk for people with a high CD4 cell count (above 500 cells/mm3) at the time of their diagnosis. They, therefore, designed a retrospective study involving approximately 35,500 adults newly diagnosed with HIV between 2012 and 2014. All had a CD4 cell count above 500 cells/mm3 and were followed for 12 months after their diagnosis. Study participants were divided into three groups according to their use of HIV therapy:

Immediate ART: initiation within 30 days of diagnosis.
Deferred ART: initiation more than 30 days after diagnosis.
No ART: no HIV treatment.

The researchers hypothesised that immediate ART would be associated with a reduced risk of mortality.

The participants had a median age of 32 years, 75% were male, 64% had a primary education or less, 39% were married, 60% acquired HIV through heterosexual contact. Median baseline CD4 cell count was 616 cells/mm3.

ART was started within 30 days of diagnosis by 5% of the cohort. A further 16% initiated therapy more than 30 days after diagnosis and the remaining people remained ART naïve.

A total of 790 (2% of the cohort) deaths were documented over 12 months of follow-up, a mortality rate of 2.31 per 100 person-years.

There were 19 deaths in the immediate ART group, a mortality rate of 1.04 per 100 person-years. A total of 58 deaths occurred in the deferred ART group, a mortality rate of 2.25 per 100 person-years. The remaining 713 deaths were documented in the treatment-naïve group, a mortality rate of 2.39 per 100 person-years.

Three-quarters of the deaths were attributed to non-AIDS-related causes. The most common non-AIDS-related cause of death was cardiovascular disease (37%).

Compared to the ART-naïve group, immediate ART provided strong protection against mortality (aHR = 0.37, p < 0.001). Delayed ART also provided modest protection against mortality (aHR = 0.74, p = 0.04).

“In addition to the direct benefit of ART for survival, it is also likely that regular follow up and comprehensive care services associated with ART use contributed to the decreased mortality observed,” suggest the investigators. “After ART initiation, patients entered into the stable care system and received multidisciplinary services including regular medical visits as well as psychosocial support.”

Other factors associated with death were older age (under 50 years vs over 50 years, aHR = 2.03; p < 0.001), being male (aHR = 1.90; p < 0.001), having only a primary education or less (aHR = 1.85; p < 0.001), infection with HIV via heterosexual contact (aHR = 4.16, p < 0.001) or injecting drug use (aHR = 5.07; p < 0.001).

“Our results highlight the significant negative impact of delays in ART initiation in a real-world setting in China,” conclude the authors. “Our results support the urgent need to increase the number of PLWH identified early, and started on effective, long-term ART immediately, as predicted by the UN 90-90-90 targets.”