PANCAP Multi-stakeholders Forum to discuss collective strategy for ending AIDS.

 Monday, 16 April, 2018 (PANCAP Coordinating Unit, CARICOM Secretariat): The Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the mechanism that provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, will host the Joint Regional Dialogue with Faith Leaders, Parliamentarians, Civil Society Leaders, National AIDS Programme Managers and Youth Leaders.

Approximately 60 delegates representing Parliamentarians, Faith Leaders, Youth Leaders, Key Populations, People Living with HIV and Civil Society from across the Caribbean will meet in Port-of-Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on 24 – 25 April 2018. Their major focus as stakeholder groups under the PANCAP Justice for ALL (JFA) Programme is how best to collaborate to end the AIDS epidemic.

Since the inauguration of the JFA Programme in November 2013, PANCAP has convened approximately 16 consultations with national and regional stakeholder groups, meeting separately and in some cases jointly. All groups have agreed to contribute to ending AIDS around 15 actionable recommendations included in the PANCAP JFA Road Map. Some of these actions are already being implemented. Others can be implemented immediately while a few others require further discussion for implementation in the medium and long terms.

PANCAP Director, Mr Dereck Springer referring to the latest status report on AIDS by UNAIDS is of the view that “while there have been many successes in the areas of prevention and treatment, much more has to be done with respect to behaviour change, reducing stigma and discrimination, sustainable financing for HIV and integrated health if we are to get to the finishing line.  AIDS is far from over”.

Indeed, the Caribbean can celebrate the fact that seven of the 11 Countries in the World to achieve the elimination of mother-to-child transmission are from this region and approximately 52 percent of People Living with HIV are on treatment today compared to less than 5% when PANCAP was established in 2001. Scientific studies have established the 90-90-90 Targets. These reveal that if by 2020, 90 percent of the people living with HIV get tested, 90 percent of those testing positive are treated immediately and 90 percent of those on treatment achieve low levels of virus in their blood so as not to transmit the disease, AIDS can be ended by 2030.

Test, Treat and Defeat

This multi-stakeholder Consultation is a continuation of an ongoing dialogue. It is organized to give each stakeholder group an opportunity to propose how they plan to contribute to achieving the end of AIDS and what type of collaboration is required.

The Regional Parliamentarians Forum held in Jamaica in May 2017 comprising 55 participants from government and opposition parties agreed to examine how best to implement the PANCAP Model Anti-Discrimination policies approved by the CARICOM Legal Affairs Committee in 2012.

Approximately 60 Faith Leaders representing a cross section of religious denominations from across the region met in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in February 2017 and issued a declaration with 10 actionable recommendations. Among the recommendations was to establish a Regional Consultative Group and National Faith Leaders Network and to include representatives of Key Populations to discuss the way forward. This was followed by a joint consultation of Faith Leaders and Key Populations in Suriname in February 2018.

Mr Colin Robinson, Chair of the Coalition Advocating for Inclusion of Sexual Orientation (CAISO) and Co-Chair of the Joint Consultation warned that while we expect to encounter differences in opinions, this multi stakeholder consultation will be meaningful only if participants put forward frank ideas and are committed to honesty.

Canon Garth Minott Co-Chair, reflecting on the Joint consultation in Suriname said, “the agreements (from the joint consultation) will be valuable input into the agenda of the multi stakeholder forum partnership, as principles is one of the outcomes.”

Among the recommendations to advance policies and programmes designed to reduce stigma and discrimination were calls to the faith community to “create spaces of hospitality” based on human rights for all, reach out to the marginalized groups and incorporate sexual education in their programmes.   Key Populations were requested to foster a spirit of appreciation for the differences among religious leaders and denominations through respectful engagement.

“This multi stakeholder consultation must constructively chart the way forward by accelerating the implementation of those common agreements while working through respectful dialogue rather than dogmatism to overcome differences among and even within stakeholder groups. Only in this way can we contribute to ending AIDS” said Dr Edward Greene former UN Secretary General Special Envoy for HIV in the Caribbean, now PANCAP Special Advisor.

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What is PANCAP?

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners.

What are the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 Targets?

  • By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy.
  • By 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.


Timothy Austin

Communications Specialist

PANCAP Coordinating Unit

CARICOM Secretariat

Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana


Tel: (592) 222-0001-75, Ext. 3409  | Visit

PANCAP says ruling affirms the right to human dignity by all.

Friday, 13 April, 2018 (PANCAP Coordinating Unit, CARICOM Secretariat): The Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the mechanism that provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, welcomes Judge Devindra Rampersad’s ruling which states: “The court declares that sections 13 and 16 of the [Sexual Offences Act] are unconstitutional, illegal, null, void, invalid and of no effect to the extent that these laws criminalise any acts constituting consensual sexual conduct between adults.”

The ruling in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago acknowledges that every individual regardless of their race, colour, gender, age or sexual orientation has the right to human dignity.

This ruling is aligned with PANCAP’s Justice for All Programme which calls for the establishment of procedures to accelerate the process for the repeal of laws decriminalising sexual acts in private between consenting adults and replace with or retain the provision criminalising sexual acts between any person in public, with the use of force, and acts of indecency committed against any person of less than 16 years of age.

PANCAP reflects on one of the recommendations of the Regional Consultation of Faith Leaders in February 2017 in Port-of-Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago which acknowledged areas of litigation that may challenge religious values and the responses required to harmonise principles and practices around human rights, human sexuality and human dignity. In handing down his decision, Justice Rampersad said that the ruling however is “not an assessment or denial of the religious beliefs of anyone …However, this conclusion is a recognition that the beliefs of some, is not the belief of all”.

PANCAP therefore encourages continued dialogue between the Faith Community and the LGBTI community on areas of agreement and commonality.

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What is PANCAP?

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners.

Requests for information:

PANCAP Coordinating Unit
CARICOM Secretariat
Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana
Tel: (592) 222-0001-75, Ext. 3409 | Visit

Trinidad and Tobago High Court has ruled the nation’s buggery laws as unconstitutional.

On Thursday, social activist Jason Jones won his case against the State in a ground-breaking decision which sets a legal precedent moving forward.

Justice Devindra Rampersad ruled that Sections 13 and 16 of the Sexual Offences Act are “unconstitutional, illegal, null, void, invalid and are of no effect to the extent that these laws criminalize any acts constituting consensual sexual conduct between adults”.

The court will meet again to hear whether the offending sections should be struck down in their entirety along with the issue of costs.

Members of the LGBTQI+ community along with other human rights supporters tearfully expressed their happiness with the ruling.

Jones spoke after the ruling saying that the country must now come together.

“What I think the judge pointed out was ‘here every creed and race find an equal place’ and I think we must all come together now and embrace each other in true love and respect. This is not about LGBT, this is about the rights and freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, and I hope that everyone walks away from this calmly and collectively,” he said.

Head of CAISO Colin Robertson said the matter has restored his faith in the justice system in Trinidad and Tobago.

“I am really humbled that I live in a nation that could deliver that judgement. I think it’s onto the Parliament to ensure that sexual orientation and gender identity are in the Equal Opportunities Act. It’s a tremendous day thanks to Jason for having the boldness to bring the case. I have incredible faith now in justice in Trinidad and Tobago,” he said.

Dialogue on Faith Leaders’ role in ending AIDS continues with consultation in Guyana

Friday, 6 April 2018 (PANCAP Coordinating Unit, CARICOM Secretariat): The Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the mechanism that provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, hosted the Guyana Chapter of the Faith Leaders Consultation at the CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Georgetown Guyana.

The forum was held less than a month before the Joint Regional Dialogue with Faith Leaders, Parliamentarians, Civil Society Leaders, National AIDS Programme Managers and Youth Leaders which is scheduled for 24 and 25 April 2018 in Port-of-Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

The forum was hosted by Ms Lorna Mcpherson, Member Religious Steering Committee, Mr Dereck Springer, Director of PANCAP and Dr Edward Greene, PANCAP Advisor.  Also in attendance were Bishop Francis Alleyne, Roman Catholic Church, Pandit Navindradat, Lilah Guyana Pandits Council, Fr. Carl Peters Priest, Diocese of Guyana (Anglican), Bishop Glenna Spencer, Methodist Church, Guyana, Mr Telford Payne, Representative Seventh Day Adventist, Pastor Natasha Corrica Bible Way Church and Pastor Ronald McGarrell Chairman, Inter-Religious Organisations (IRO).

Image: L – R Dr Edward Greene, PANCAP Advisor, Mr Dereck Springer Director of PANCAP and Ms Lorna McPherson, Member Religious Steering Committee. 

Faith leaders continued deliberations on the actions and activities that remove barriers of stigma and discrimination and create an environment in which vulnerable groups can access health care.  The Director of PANCAP also challenged faith leaders to organize smaller meetings in which key strategic actions that support vulnerable groups can be determined.

The Consultation was a follow up to the national and regional consultations, which commenced in 2017, with a number of regional activities scheduled for 2018. The first consultation held on February 1 and 2, 2017 in Port-of-Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, focused on the contributions of Faith Leaders toward ending the epidemic by 2030. It specifically addressed the recommendations from the UN High Level 2016 Political Declaration and agreed on strategies to promote healthy living for all age groups, addressed best practices, identified gaps to be filled, resources required and types of regional cooperation to be undertaken to implement recommendations from the consultation.

Click here for more information on the PANCAP Faith Leaders Consultation.

PANCAP Director discusses sustainability of Region’s HIV response with Finance Secretary (Guyana)

Image (L-R: Dr Martin Oditt, UNAIDS Country Director, Dr Edward Greene PANCAP Advisor, Dr Hector Butts, Finance Secretary Ministry of Finance – Guyana and Mr Dereck Springer Director of PANCAP)

Thursday 5 April 2018, Georgetown Guyana: Sustainability of the Region’s HIV response continues to be a priority for the Partnership. Today, 5 April, Director of PANCAP Mr Dereck Springer met with Finance Secretary Dr Hector Butts at the Ministry of Finance (Guyana) to discuss sustainability and HIV domestic financing.

Mr Springer was accompanied by Dr Martin Oditt, UNAIDS Country Director and Dr Edward Greene, PANCAP Advisor.

PAHO calls for breaking down barriers that keep one in three people in the Americas from accessing health

World Health Day will be observed on 7 April 2018. 

Washington, D.C., April 4, 2018 (PAHO / WHO) — On the eve of World Health Day, the Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Carissa F. Etienne, and former president of Chile Michelle Bachelet today called for collective actions to ensure that all people, everywhere have access to the health services they need.

In the Americas region, one-third of the population faces obstacles to accessing health. “Health is a right, and as such we must overcome barriers to have access to care,” said Etienne, noting that out-of-pocket payments that many people must make to obtain health services “constitutes the main barrier and pushes families towards poverty.”

Other barriers are geographic or institutional in nature, including stigma and discrimination in health services. “It is not enough to have hospitals and health centers, these institutions must have the right combination of human resources, infrastructure and equipment, medicines and other health technologies, to avoid long waiting times and offer quality care,” Etienne said.

Universal health, the theme of World Health Day 2018, implies that all people and communities have access, without discrimination, to quality health services without having to expose themselves to financial difficulties. Under the slogan “Universal Health: Everyone, Everywhere,” the campaign calls on representatives of governments, academia and civil society to stimulate dialogue on policies that can help achieve health for all by 2030.

“We need a massive regional movement and listen to all voices” to move towards universal health, Etienne said. Last year, PAHO created the High-Level Commission on “Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years of Alma-Ata,” led by Michelle Bachelet.
To achieve universal health, “we have to build national consensus because the challenges are of such magnitude that they require the commitment and effort of all,” said Bachelet.
Forty years after the Declaration of Alma-Ata—which promoted the values of the right to health, equity and solidarity—the region of the Americas continues to be one of the most inequitable in the world.

Bachelet noted that there have been important advances since Alma-Ata, but that there are still major gaps between and within the countries. “At the same time that we see health centers with quality we could not have imagined in the past, there are still women and children who continue to die from totally avoidable causes,” she said, adding that “inequality is the great enemy in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

Bachelet said that PAHO’s regional strategy for universal health along with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the sustainable health agenda for the Americas infuse new life into the path toward “health for all” outlined at Alma-Ata. She urged greater emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention, reducing segmentation and fragmentation in health services, safeguarding the working conditions of health personnel, including new technologies and innovation, and for building health financing systems that promote solidarity.

“In this matter there are neither miracles nor shortcuts, what there is a long road of collective work that leads to more justice for all,” said Bachelet.


Helpful links:
World Health Day:

Live stream of the conference:

Campaign materials:


HIV data collection a challenge for OECS

Image: Dr Cleophas D’Auvergne, Project Coordinator for the OECS, HIV/TB Elimination Grant

HIV data collection for key populations in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), remains a challenge despite the many successes of the OECS HIV/TB Elimination Project, it has been revealed.

Project Coordinator for the OECS, HIV/TB Elimination Grant, Doctor Cleophas D’Auvergne, has disclosed that this is especially true of men who have sex with men with regard to HIV testing and outreach for them.

‘Programme integration and coordination between HIV and TB programmes. And for TB, it’s scaling up TB case detection in high risk populations especially migrant populations, the homeless, substance abusers as well. So it’s really a constant process,’ D’Auvergne explained.

“We’re trying to ascertain the gaps we see now in the current grant so that we can use those gaps and actually try to incorporate synergies towards facilitating an improved continuation of the grant in the future for 2019 to 2022,” he told the Communications Unit of Saint Lucia’s the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

In 2015 the OECS Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM) was awarded a grant of US $5.2 million by the Global Fund, towards the elimination of HIV and TB in the OECS.

With grant funding coming to an end in 2019, the RCM has been invited by the Global Fund to prepare another 3 year grant spanning 2019 – 2022 to facilitate the continuation of services under the current grant.

Despite the challenge of date collection, Doctor Cleophas D’Auvergne noted that among the successes of the project are workshops on combination prevention, a minimum package of services for sexual and reproductive health, human rights and legal literacy training, the sustained procurement of ARVs, condoms and lubricants for key populations and the production of educational manuals.

“HIV and Syphilis train the trainer” workshops are also among the achievements highlighted for greater penetration of key populations.

“In terms of the TB elimination we’ve been able to have the country assessments. PAHO has been very instrumental in conducting the national TB country assessments. We’ve been able to develop a draft OECS strategy as well as countries have been able to develop their national country elimination plans.”

He said clinical guidelines for HIV/TB and STIs have also been developed and updated.

‘With regard to surveillance, we’ve had a major success in terms of conducting the population size estimate studies we’ve been trying to do for a number of years now. At least 10 years and we’re finally able to have this completed. We’re now in the data analysis and validation phase, as well as we’ve developed our HIV Clinical Management Module which will be used to actually strengthen the validation process for mother to child transmission of HIV and strengthen TB elimination in the future,’ D’Auvergne observed.

WHO Introduces New Guidelines To Reduce HIV Among Young Women

Four times more Jamaican women than men in the 15 to 19 age group have been reported with AIDS, according to a 2015 epidemiology report.

Against this backdrop, the new Consolidated guideline on sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV was introduced by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO) to the Jamaican multisectoral HIV response group at a three-day workshop in Kingston last Tuesday.

The WHO Consolidated guideline includes guiding principles to a ‘woman-centered’ approach and creating an enabling environment for women and girls living with HIV. It also includes global best practices and recommendations for the implementation of a strategic plan to integrate sexual and reproductive health rights and HIV services, maternal health services, counseling, and community empowerment.

Person-Centred Approach

“We are taking a new approach to reaching more persons that is person-centered and over a life course,” disclosed Dr Manjulaa Nalasimhan, representative of WHO Geneva. “A person-centered approach acknowledges women as active agents, not passive agents, of accessing sexual and reproductive health services and rights,” she added.

According to the National Family Planning Board, socio-economic, cultural, and behavioural factors have made young women and girls three times more likely to contract HIV than boys of the same age group. Although Jamaica has been reaching many of these persons and providing treatment and care, some females are hard to reach. Therefore, the new WHO guidelines will specifically target the female population.

“At a time when women’s rights are just now being acknowledged globally, this workshop is appropriately timed. Our girls are being raised in a society that dictates their sexual and reproductive health outcomes,” said Lovette Byfield, executive director of the National Family Planning Board,

According to the WHO, in 2015, there were an estimated 17.8 million women aged 15 and older living with HIV.

Global Fund Suspends Partnership with Heineken

GENEVA – The Global Fund today suspended its partnership with Heineken based on recent reports of the company’s use of female beer promoters in ways that expose them to sexual exploitation and health risks.

“We take these allegations very seriously and have challenged Heineken to examine their operations and make changes to protect women from sexual exploitation and health risks,” said Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “We are suspending the partnership until such time as Heineken can take appropriate action to address these issues.”


The Global Fund is a 21st-century partnership designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics. As a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and people affected by the diseases, the Global Fund mobilizes and invests nearly US$4 billion a year to support programs run by local experts in more than 100 countries. By challenging barriers and embracing innovative approaches, we are working together to better serve people affected by the diseases. 

PANCAP K4Health Project conducts HIV Information Session at University of Guyana

The PANCAP Knowledge for Health Project conducted an HIV information session with approximately 40 students of the Centre for Communication Studies, University of Guyana.

Dr Shanti Singh-Anthony, Knowledge Coordinator exposed participants to knowledge on the basics of HIV and AIDS, the global and regional HIV epidemiology, HIV diagnosis, disease progression and management and current concepts and frameworks such as the 90-90-90 Targets and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 Target for ending AIDS.

Mr Timothy Austin, Communications Specialist, PANCAP Coordinating Unit provided illustrations of  PANCAP’s use of an integrated marketing and communications strategy to effectively share relevant knowledge and information on the region’s response to HIV and AIDS with a wide range of stakeholders.

Participants were also provided with an illustration of the PANCAP Digital Strategy for website content creation and management of PANCAP’s online platforms.