Director’s Message – January 2020

Despite the substantial resources invested in the Caribbean region, we continue to be challenged by inadequate and unreliable data to help us to describe our epidemic accurately and inform programming. While significant progress has been made, the region is behind in achieving the 90-90-90 Targets by the end of 2020. The Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS (CRSF) 2019-2025 acknowledges that insufficient data-driven programming limits efforts to efficiently target activities to the geographic locations and populations in greatest need. The CRSF therefore, recognises that there is an urgent need to define a regional HIV research agenda that aligns with the priorities outlined in the CRSF, and which is anchored in the established academic institutions of the region.

Over the last three years, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has expanded a regional data repository to facilitate reporting on the CRSF indicators, thus providing an opportunity to simplify reporting by enabling country reporting to be streamlined and shared with other organisations as needed (CRSF 2019-2025). However, data gaps persist, as data were available for only 13 of the 28 indicators for the CRSF 2014-2018, largely because of limited site-level data management and slow reporting to national levels. While key population size estimates have improved, data collection from civil society organisations remains a gap. CARPHA has been working with countries to develop strategic information action plans to improve reporting.

Given our current reality, defining the regional HIV research agenda is high on PANCAP’s list of priorities for 2020.  In this regard, the Priority Areas Coordinating Committee (PACC) has provided guidance to the Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Working Group on Health on the process for determining the research agenda as well as the monitoring and evaluation needs which will be costed subsequently. This process is crucial for guiding research efforts and site-level available resources. The agenda would include among others, research, testing, treatment, adherence, retention, service delivery, and stigma and discrimination, that would inform regional policy change and improve outcomes for People living with and affected by HIV and key populations.

Implementation of the research agenda requires a paradigm shift, from thinking about data for reporting to thinking about data for use throughout programming. We must be cognizant of the need to also invest in data systems that inform programming. Successful implementation of the research agenda specifically requires the support of our universities that possess the skills to conduct such research, donor support and commitment from our national partners to facilitate the collection of data. Given the urgency, let us all commit to supporting the Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Working Group on Health to define a regional HIV research agenda.

Jamaica combats lack of knowledge about human rights, HIV and gender-based violence

To combat the lack of knowledge about human rights, HIV and gender-based violence among Jamaicans, the National Family Planning Board and its partners executed the “Rispek” Public Education Tour. The tour aimed to provide information on sexual and reproductive health, including HIV, to promote human rights and respect for others, and provide education on the social and legal aid services available to the public.

The tour was launched in August 2019 and consisted of eight phases.  Communities within eight of the fourteen parishes in Jamaica benefited from the activities. These communities were selected for Targeted Community Interventions (TCIs) by the Regional Health Authorities, based on vulnerability and incidences of violence and HIV. Community members were also able to access free HIV testing and other healthcare services.

PEPFAR commences 2020 Regional Operational Planning Process

By Victoria Nibarger, PEPFAR Coordinator, Caribbean Regional Programme

During the week of 27 January 2019, the Caribbean Regional Program of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) kicked off its 2020 Regional Operational Planning process, which covers the FY21 implementation period.

Following two days of internal meetings, PEFPAR hosted a number of regional stakeholders in Kingston for a three-day strategic planning meeting.  Participants of the meeting reviewed FY20 achievements, current activities, and discussed the approaches needed to accelerate progress towards epidemic control.

Attendees included ministry of health officials, civil society representatives, private clinicians, multilateral organisation representatives, implementing partners, and others.

CMLF highlights OECS Member States’ Laboratory Achievements

At the OECS Ministers Policy Meeting held in December 2019, the Caribbean Med Labs Foundation (CMLF) highlighted the achievements made by OECS Member States with respect to their laboratory services. During the meeting, Honourable Mary Issacs, Minister of Health and Wellness, Saint Lucia presented a Certificate to Antigua & Barbuda’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr Rhonda Sealey-Thomas, recognising the achievement of Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC) Laboratory in meeting Tier 1 requirements of the Caribbean Laboratory Quality Management Systems – Stepwise Improvement Process (LQMS-SIP) in August 2019.

Also recognised were Grenada and Saint Lucia for efforts regarding the National Laboratory Policy adoption.  Both countries have approved policies. Draft legislation and National Laboratory Policy have been submitted to the Attorney General’s Office by the respective Ministries of Health in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Saint Kitts and Nevis. At a meeting of Permanent Secretaries, Chief Medical Officers and their representatives, hosted by CMLF in November 2019, a “common implementation plan” was developed for the adoption and implementation of national laboratory policies and legislation within the six OECS Member States that are participants in the OECS Global Fund Continuation Grant for HIV and TB Elimination (HTEP).

Under the HTEP, four OECS Member States, namely Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have received and introduced, with appropriate training, GeneXpert technology for molecular testing. The public laboratories in these countries have begun to utilise GeneXpert for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) and drug resistance testing as well as for HIV Viral Load testing. GeneXpert testing has been integrated into the algorithm for TB diagnosis in these countries as part of their plans for TB Elimination. Plans are underway for expansion of testing to include Chlamydia and Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) for HIV.

Dominica and Saint Kitts and Nevis will receive GeneXpert technology and training early in 2020 under this GF HTEP. The introduction of this technology within the OECS represents a significant step forward for these small island states, in providing capacity to conduct molecular testing on this multiplex platform for a wide and expanding variety of infectious diseases.

In an important step forward, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has become the first OECS country to assign a separate budget to its public laboratory services. Discussions at both Ministers and National Lab Policy and Legislation Implementation meetings focused on strategies for addressing the ongoing challenge of financial and human resource deficiencies in these countries to improve resources for laboratory services.

Belize’s Equal Opportunity Bill intends to enhance quality of life

Image: Mr Enrique Romero, Executive Director of the National AIDS Commission (NAC) during the Equal Opportunity Bill press conference

Belize’s Anti-Discrimination Steering Committee (ASC) has commenced public engagement and education on the proposed Equal Opportunity Bill (EOB).

The Bill intends to improve the lives of all Belizeans by ensuring equal access to public services, including health care.  The legislation aims to remove barriers so that all Belizeans can enjoy the same opportunities regardless of circumstances. It seeks to protect Belizeans from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. The areas of public life covered under the Bill include employment (full-time, part-time and casual), provision of goods and services, education, accommodation (including rental and hotel accommodation), sport, club and club membership, transfer of land and administration of laws and programming.

HIV Prevention and Care

The EOB makes specific reference to HIV prevention and care.  It prohibits screening for HIV regarding employment and education.  It promotes the implementation of sanctions for breaches of confidentiality regarding HIV status.  The legislation also advocates for allowing persons over the age of 16 to access HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) prevention, testing and treatment to lower risks of HIV transmission, sickness or death.

In addition, the EOB supports the formation of an Equal Opportunities Tribunal; a specialist court integrated into the Justice System with the rank of a supreme court.

Champions of the Bill

The organisations championing the EOB are the National AIDS Commission (NAC), the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation, Poverty Alleviation and the Office of the Special Envoy for Women and Children.  Several prominent Belizeans and implementers are also lending their voices to advocate for the Bill including Mrs Kim Simplis Barrow, Special Envoy for Women and Children and Spouse of the Prime Minister, Mr Enrique Romero, Executive Director of the NAC, Attorney Randall Sheppard, Senior Crown Counsel in the Ministry of the Attorney General, and Attorney Rashad Brathwaite, independent consultant and legal drafter.

The ASC has engaged with several critical stakeholders to foster knowledge about the EOB including the National Evangelical Association of Belize (NEAB), National Trade Union Council of Belize (NTUCB), Christian Workers’ Union (CWU), etc.

In addition, a press conference was held to provide an overview of the Bill, including a background of how the legislation originated and how it will provide protection for all Belizeans.

The Bill will significantly enhance the quality of life in Belize by removing the systemic barriers to equality and empowering Belizeans to fulfil their potential and live happy, healthy and peaceful lives.

 – ENDS –

New Chair and Vice Chair Elected To PANCAP-CVC-COIN Technical Advisory Group For the Multi-Country Caribbean Global Fund Grant

Tuesday 28 January 2020 (PANCAP Coordinating Unit, CARICOM Secretariat): The Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), the mechanism that provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, extends congratulations to Mr Roger McLean and Dr Gail Gajadhar who were elected Chair and Vice-Chair respectively of the PANCAP-CVC-COIN Technical Advisory Group for the Multi-Country Caribbean Global Fund Grant QRA-H-CARICOM 1838 titled “Sustainability of services for Key Populations in the Caribbean”.

Mr McLean is a Research Fellow/Lecturer HEU, the Centre for Health Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.   Dr Gajadhar is the Senior Medical Officer, Infectious Diseases Unit, The Department of Health and Wellness in Saint Lucia.

The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is a regional, multi-sectoral body with a mandate to provide oversight to the PANCAP/CVC/COIN Global Fund Grant. That oversight includes ensuring that the implementation of the grant is focused, efficient and flexible, i.e. the TAG ensures that the execution is focused on the right activities, for the right populations and in the right places, in accordance with the performance framework of the PANCAP/CVC/COIN Global Fund Grant.  The TAG also ensures that there is efficient use of available resources.

In addition to the election of the new Chair and Vice-Chair, the TAG conducted an orientation of members on governance, oversight functions, management of conflicts of interest, and internal and external communication as well as a reviewing and endorsing of its oversight role and communications plan.

The success of the grant is critical to the Region achieving the 90-90-90 Targets as its objectives are aligned with PANCAP’s vision of an AIDS-free Caribbean.

What is PANCAP?

PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners.

Editor’s Notes

TAG Membership

The TAG consists of representatives from PANCAP including the PANCAP Priority Areas Coordinating Committee (PACC), Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition (CVC), and El Centro de Orientación e Investigación Integral (COIN) as grant owners; representatives from key population networks including recognised networks of Persons Living with HIV (PLHIV), Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), Transgender persons (TRANS), Sex Workers (SW), vulnerable youth and people who use drugs. Technical & implementing partners include the Caribbean Med Labs Foundation (CMLF), University of the West Indies – HIV and AIDS Response Programme (UWI-HARP), Faculty of Law, University of the West Indies Rights Advocacy Project (URAP), Regional Body Representing Faith-Based Organisations; Principal Recipient, CARICOM, representatives of the CCMs of each project country (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago). The TAG also includes Ex-office executives from PANCAP, CVC and COIN and three observers from UN/Multilateral Agencies/International Development Partners including UNAIDS, PEPFAR and UNDP.


Timothy Austin
Senior Project Officer, Communications
PANCAP Coordinating Unit
CARICOM Secretariat
Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana
Tel: (592) 222-0001-75, Ext. 3409  | Visit

Helpful links:

Multi-Country Caribbean Global Fund Grant QRA-H-CARICOM 1838 “Sustainability of services for Key Populations in the Caribbean – project page

PANCAP-CVC-COIN awarded Multi-country Caribbean Global Fund Grant

Global AIDS Update 2018 – Miles to Go:

Public Education commences on Belize’s Equal Opportunities Bill

January 2020 – Belize City, Belize: The Anti-Discrimination Steering Committee hosted a press conference with Breaking Belize News, Channel 5, Channel 7, Krem News, Love News, Plus TV, and the Government of Belize Press Office.

During the meeting, journalists were provided with an overview of the Equal Opportunities Bill, including the background of how this legislation has come to be and how it will provide protection for all Belizeans and dismantle the systemic barriers to equality.

The organizations championing the Equal Opportunities Bill, namely the National AIDS Commission (NAC), the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation, Poverty Alleviation and the Office of the Special Envoy for Women and Children, would like to thank the journalists who attended today’s meeting and engaged with the panel, composed of Mrs Kim Simplis Barrow (Special Envoy for Women and Children and Spouse of the Prime Minister), Mr Enrique Romero (Director Executive of the NAC), Attorney Randall Sheppard (Senior Crown Counsel in the Ministry of the Attorney General), and Attorney Rashad Brathwaite (independent consultant and legal drafter).

The goal of this legislation is to improve the lives of all Belizeans. The Bill will create a fairer society with improved public services, where businesses and everyday citizens can thrive. Our Constitution establishes the general principles for us to aspire to such a society, the Equal Opportunities Act will give us the practical tools and mechanisms to make this into a reality for all.

We encourage all Belizeans to make their voices heard. You too can take part in the consultation process around this Bill. Please send your submissions and requests for information or for a meeting with the technical team to the National AIDS Commission at the contact details below. We look forward to hearing from you.

National AIDS Commission

3803 Durgeon Drive, Coral Grove, Belize City



Facebook: National AIDS Commission

Office number & WhatsApp: 610-5051

National Evangelical Association of Belize briefed on Equal Opportunities Bill

January 2020, Belmopan, Belize: The Anti-Discrimination Steering Committee met with Pastor Scott Stirm, Pastor Lance Lewis, and Pastor Louis Wade of the National Evangelical Association of Belize (NEAB).

During the meeting, the NEAB Representatives were provided with an overview of the Equal Opportunities Bill, including on how the legislation operates in relation to people of faith. The Pastors expressed specific concerns about the Bill and engaged in constructive dialogue, which will continue. Clarifications were provided around how the legislation accommodates exceptions for religious organisations so as to ensure that freedom of expression and freedom of religion are respected.

The organizations championing the Equal Opportunities Bill, namely the National AIDS Commission (NAC), the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation, Poverty Alleviation and the Office of the Special Envoy for Women and Children, would like to thank the NEAB representatives for accepting their request to meet and for engaging with the panel, composed of Mr Enrique Romero (Executive Director of the NAC), Mr Dwight Arnold (Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of the NAC), and Attorney Rashad Brathwaite (independent consultant and legal drafter).

The goal of this legislation is to improve the life of all Belizeans. The Bill will create a fairer society with improved public services, where businesses and everyday citizens can thrive. Our Constitution establishes the general principles for us to aspire to such a society, the Equal Opportunities Act will give us the practical tools and mechanisms to make this into a reality for all.

We encourage all Belizeans to make their voices heard. You too can take part in the consultation process around this Bill. Please send your submissions and requests for information or for a meeting with the technical team to the National AIDS Commission at the contact details below. We look forward to hearing from you.

National AIDS Commission

3803 Durgeon Drive, Coral Grove, Belize City



Facebook: National AIDS Commission

Office number & WhatsApp: 610-5051

Business Alliance to End AIDS by 2030 is announced at the World Economic Forum

DAVOS/GENEVA, 23 January 2020—The Business Alliance to End AIDS by 2030, a public-private coalition co-hosted by UNAIDS and GBCHealth, was announced today in Davos, Switzerland, on the margins of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.

The Business Alliance to End AIDS brings together forward-looking companies to strengthen cross-sector collaboration, build on common values and create spaces for effective collaboration. It aims to provide businesses with the necessary tools and support needed from public sector partners to help realize the goal of ending AIDS by 2030.

Business has been and continues to be essential to the AIDS response, from challenging the stigma surrounding HIV, building innovative partnerships among companies across industries and implementing diagnosis, treatment and prevention programmes within workplaces and surrounding communities. However, these models need to operate to scale to meet the gaps in investment and implementation needed to meet the target of ending AIDS by 2030.

“Today, every single company must make a positive contribution to the societies they serve—this is not an option, this is an imperative. Beyond reaching their economic objectives, companies must deliver social and environmental impact. The private sector has a key role to play in the multisectoral response to HIV. Businesses must ensure that their employees, their suppliers and communities receive life-saving HIV treatment, prevention and care programmes. Together, we can end AIDS by 2030,” said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS.

“Realizing a world free of AIDS is beyond the reach of one company. Business as usual will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, nor will innovation by a few pioneers. This agenda will require collaboration across sectors, supply chains and economic systems, as well as innovative partnerships with governments and civil society. We at Anglo American are committed to be part of the Business Alliance to End AIDS by 2030 and urge other businesses to join our collective efforts,” said Nolitha Fakude, Chairperson of Anglo American’s Management Board in South Africa.

“Responding to HIV matters to business, and businesses have been leaders in the global AIDS response for over two decades. Business innovations in products and services, relationships with employees, consumers and policymakers, core capabilities and logistics, data analytics, marketing and financial resources can all help to fill the gaps in publicly funded HIV testing, prevention and treatment programmes. Forward-thinking businesses are needed to help develop holistic solutions and manage risk. We are at a crossroads. The future will be determined by what we do today,” said Nancy Wildfeir-Field, President of GBCHealth.

The Business Alliance to End AIDS by 2030 will act as a vehicle and a collective voice to disseminate best practices through public platforms, their companies and their respective supply chains. In addition, it will serve as a collective body to help shape regulations and policies that support HIV prevention and treatment programmes and end HIV-related stigma and discrimination.

For further information on the Business Alliance to End AIDS by 2030 and how you can join, please contact Frauke Joosten at