Selfish! Apathetic! Immoral!
These were her labels as a teenage mother.
Her tears were never enough,
Even though they filled every corner of that dark square
She slumbered for many summers.
Nine months of anguish, she never asked for.
Only for a man she never knew, to decide that faith for her.
Taking a trip down memory lane to that marvellous night.
She was singing, She was dancing, Her soul was so bright.
But like a shadow, he came and made her float as high as a kite
She tried to come down but the winds were too strong
She tried to make a sound, but like a birthday candle
Her voice was burnt out.
Only 16, she had big dreams
To live in a big old city
To complete her medical degree
To be free like how any other teenage girl should be.
She is Sophia, a fighter, a feminist, a woman living more than her dreams
She lives in me and every other teenager listening to her story
Young girls
Protect each other, lift each other
Say no to peer pressure
Say no to drugs
Unintentional or not, be percipient, be streetwise
Join educational clubs
And let’s end child pregnancy for once.