Priority Areas Coordinating Committee
Dr Donald Simeon
Deputy Chair, Executive Board/Regional Coordinating Mechanism of PANCAPDr David Johnson
Mr Ivanhoe Cruickshank
Ms Aldora Robinson
Dean Chambliss
Dr Francis Martin (Alternate)
Ms Sandra Jones (Alternate)
Ms Victoria Nibarger
Mr Mansfield Blackwood
Mr Roger McLean
Deputy Chair of the PACCDr Richard Amenyah
UNAIDS MultiCountry DirectorMs Gwendoline McLaren
Ms Carol Ayoung (Alternate)
Prof Peter Figueroa
Ms Patricia Smith-Cummings
Dr Karen Gordon-Boyle
Mr Collin Kirton
Officer-in-ChargeMeet the Chair

Dr Donald T. Simeon
Dr Donald T. Simeon is the Professor of Biostatistics and Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences, the University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Professor Simeon is the Chair of the Priority Areas Coordinating Committee (PACC) and Deputy Chair of the PANCAP Executive Board.
Professor Donald Simeon was the Deputy Executive Director of the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) during the period 2013 to 2015. He was also Director of Research, Training and Policy Development at CARPHA. Prior to this, he was the Director of the Caribbean Health Research Council (CHRC) from 2002 to 2012. Before going to the CHRC, he was Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, St Augustine.
A citizen of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Professor Simeon was educated at the University of the West Indies (PhD Nutrition and BSc Agriculture) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London (MSc Medical Statistics).
He is a Chartered Statistician and Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, UK as well as a Registered Public Health Nutritionist, Nutrition Society, UK and Registered Nutritionist in Trinidad and Tobago. He was a Board Member of the Geneva-based Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED) from 2006-2013, and the Chair of the Research Ethics Committee, Ministry of Health, Trinidad and Tobago (2009-2013). He currently serves on the Executive of the Bioethics Society of the English-speaking Caribbean (BSEC) and the Editorial Board of the West Indian Medical Journal. In addition, he is a member of Trinidad and Tobago Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians, American Society for Nutritional Sciences and the International Biometric Society Network for Central America.
Professor Simeon has extensive research experience as evidenced by the publication of over 80 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals as well as chapters in books/encyclopedia and other reports. In addition, he has delivered dozens of oral presentations at international scientific conferences and professional meetings. He also has an impressive record of grant fund-raising and serves on Advisory Committees for a number of international research projects.