PANCAP Coordinating Unit (PCU)
The PANCAP Coordinating Unit (PCU) services the Partnership. The PCU is located at the CARICOM Secretariat in Guyana, and complemented by the Secretariat’s operating departments.The PCU has three distinct roles: (i) as the Secretariat of PANCAP, (ii) as a Support Agency and (iii) as a Financing Agency.
PANCAP Secretariat
- The PCU supports and coordinates the Organs of PANCAP: the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM), the Priority Areas Coordinating Committee (PACC) and any technical working group. In this regard, it provides technical, administrative and financial support to PANCAP meetings;
- provides support to the PACC in coordinating regional Priority Areas plans with agreed regional intervention indicators;
- organizes through an independent agency, periodic external technical audits of the regional programme; and
- mobilizes resources on behalf of the PANCAP membership
Support Agency
The PCU undertakes some regional interventions including being the repository of information on national and regional HIV and AIDS interventions. In this role, it facilitates the sharing of information and promising and best practices which facilitates enhanced coordination of PANCAP’s activities. The PCU is also an advocate in the Caribbean’s response to the epidemic. In its advocacy role, it promotes, among other things, a multi-sectoral response and an enabling environment to reverse the spread of HIV and AIDS.
Financing Agent
The PCU, in collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat, is currently the fund holder for donor partners fund (e.g. Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and PEPFAR). These funds are granted to regional support agencies to undertake agreed activities.
PCU Staff
Dr. Telgt-Emanuelson will lead PANCAP’s dialogue with CARICOM governments, international donors and partners, and other stakeholders, in the continued implementation of a coordinated and structured regional approach for an AIDS-free Caribbean. She will lead the PANCAP Coordinating Unit to ensure the delivery of regional public goods that will support national programmes and advance PANCAP’s regional objectives.
A Surinamese national, Dr. Telgt-Emanuelson holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Public Health from the Central University of Nicaragua, a Master of Science Degree in Public Health from Walden University, USA, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Behavioural Science from Andrews University, USA.
Dr. Telgt-Emanuelson brings to PANCP a wealth of knowledge and experience in strategic health policy development and will certainly serve to advance the work of the Coordinating Unit in its programme planning and execution in the continued fight against HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean region.
Sharon Khan-Persaud
Duties and Responsibilities
- To provide logistical and administration support for PANCAP meetings
- To maintain stock of office supplies for the PCU
- To provide communicative support to CBMP annually for Regional Testing Day Initiative
- To provide information to the partnership as necessary
- To provide administrative support to Senior Accountant