COVID-19 and HIV webinar series: Adapting community-based HIV services during a pandemic
The International AIDS Society (IAS) is hosting a series of webinars on COVID-19 and HIV to discuss the pandemic and its impact on People Living with HIV (PLHIV).
Please see details below.
The IAS is pleased to invite you to the final webinar of this series brought to you by the IAS Educational Fund under the theme, COVID-19 and HIV: Adapting community-based HIV services during a pandemic, which will take place on 28 May 2020. This webinar will share and discuss how community-led HIV organizations pivoted their services to benefit their communities and the key and vulnerable groups that they support, highlighting practical actions implemented since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please register to confirm your participation before 27 May.
Date: Thursday, 28 May 2020
Time: 13:00 – 14:30 (CEST)
Use this tool to see the time of the webinar at your location.
Topics and speakers:
• Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 for key populations
Dr Chris Akolo, Technical Director of LINKAGES Project, Family Health International 360 – USA
• Adapting sex worker services during the COVID-19 pandemic
Surang Janyam, Founder and Director of Service Workers IN Group (SWING) Foundation – Thailand
• Maintaining harm reduction services during the COVID-19 pandemic
Anton Basenko, Country Focal Point: PITCH, Alliance for Public Health – Ukraine
• Ensuring access to HIV treatment in lockdown
Prof Mehdi Karkouri, President of Association de Lutte Contre le SIDA and Board Member of Coalition Plus – Morocco
• Taking HIV and related youth services virtual
Mather Mawodzeke, Head of Programmes, Africaid Zvandiri – Zimbabwe
• Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights services during the COVID-19 pandemic
Nisha Jagdish, Director of Gender and Rights Program, Family Planning Association – India
Moderator: Kate Thomson, Head of Community, Rights and Gender and Civil Society Hub, The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
A recording of this webinar will be made available on the IAS website.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the webinar. Please send us your questions in advance of this webinar to coronaquestions@iasociety.org.
The webinar series is recommended to HIV professionals, government representatives working in the field of HIV, public health specialists, programme managers, service providers, civil society representatives and members of organizations supporting key and vulnerable populations.
We look forward to your joining us! Please help us inform others by promoting and disseminating this invitation within your networks.
The IAS Educational Fund is aimed at providing and investing in educational opportunities that support the frontline HIV workforce by making scientific fora more accessible to our members and their communities.
For inquiries or further information, please contact iasedu@iasociety.org.
PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, and coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilise resources and build the capacity of partners.
What are the Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026 targets and commitments?
If targets and commitments in the strategy are achieved:
- The number of people who newly acquire HIV will decrease from 1.7 million in 2019 to less than 370 000 by 2025
- The number of people dying from AIDS-related illnesses will decrease from 690 000 in 2019 to less than 250 000 in 2025.
- The goal of eliminating new HIV infections among children will see the number of new HIV infections drop from 150,000 in 2019 to less than 22,000 in 2025.
What are the 95-95-95 Targets for ending AIDS?
- 95% of People Living with HIV know their HIV status;
- 95% of people who know their status on treatment; and
- 95% of people on treatment with suppressed viral loads.
Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026, End Inequalities, End AIDS
Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS (CRSF) 2019-2025