WHO updated HIV Treatment Guidelines: A focus on DTG as first-line therapy

Virtual via Go-to-Webinar (Link in Event Summary)
Event Summary
The PANCAP Coordinating Unit invites you to participate in a webinar on “World Health Organisation (WHO) updated HIV Treatment Guidelines: A focus on dolutegravir (DTG) as first-line therapy”.
The webinar will be held on Friday, 20 August 2021, during the following times:
Belmopan, Belize 09:00 CST
Eastern Time, ET 11:00 EDT
Georgetown, Guyana 11:00 GYT
Kingston, Jamaica 10:00 EST
Suriname Time, SRT 12:00 SRT
Please click below to register for the webinar.
Event Description
Presenters will share highlights of the WHO updated treatment guidelines and will focus on the use of DTG as preferred first-line. Presenters will also share evidence on the safety and efficacy of DTG and will discuss its advantages, including simplified dosing with TLD, achieving and maintaining viral suppression and high genetic barrier to resistance. Case studies will be presented on initiation and switch to DTG.