What We Do

Virtual Town Hall – Ask an expert: What you need to know about Monkey Pox

25 Aug, 2022
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Virtual (Link in Event Summary)

Dr Shanti Singh-Anthony


Event Summary

The PANCAP Coordinating Unit invites you to participate in a Virtual Town Hall, “Ask an expert: What you need to know about Monkey Pox”.

Join us for an interactive discussion on the latest data and guidance on Monkey Pox with Dr Asa Radix, MD, PhD, MPH, Senior Director of Research and Education, Callen-Lorde.

The webinar will be held on Thursday, 25 August 2022, during the following times:

Belmopan, Belize                               03:00 PM CST
Eastern Time, ET                               05:00 PM EST
Georgetown, Guyana                         05:00 PM GYT
Kingston, Jamaica                              04:00 PM EST
Port-au-Prince, Haiti                           05:00 PM EDT
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago    05:00 PM AST
Paramaribo, Suriname                        06:00 PM SRT

Please click below to register for the Town Hall.