Consultation on Draft Terms of Reference Multi-Country Caribbean Regional Global Fund Grant – 2017-2019 HIV-Caribbean Region

Virtual via Go-To-Webinar
Event Summary
Click below to access the webinar:
The Global Fund informed the 30th Council of Human and Social Development – Ministers of Health in September 2017 of a new funding opportunity for the Caribbean. The Global Fund has allocated US6.5 million for a multicountry grant for the Caribbean to cover the period 1 October 2019 to 30th September 2022. In keeping with the Global Fund Board’s decision multi-country grants for the Latin America and the Caribbean MUST focus on Sustainability of the HIV services for Key Populations. This is non- negotiable. The Global has also advised that only one application will be accepted from the Caribbean. The implication is that we must work together to submit one concept one by August 2018. The Global Fund subsequently convened a meeting of National AIDS Programme Managers, CSOs and regional organisations in Haiti on 9th November to brief them on the new funding opportunity and to solicit feedback on the Proposed Strategic Areas for the Multi-Country Caribbean and activities.
The Global Fund will draft and finalise Terms of Reference which will be informed by the regional dialogue (consultations) that will be accelerated between 1 January to 31 March 2018. Following the finalization of the terms of reference in April 2018, the Global Fund will issue a call to partners to submit proposals. Partners’ submissions will be reviewed by an independent panel and selection of partners’ activities will be made based on established criteria.
Additionally, a call will be issued for a single Principal Recipient.
November 2017 to March 2018
• Consultation process to identify gaps, lessons learned on national and regional investments and geographical scope (possible TA from CRG)
March 2018
• Based on the outcomes of the consultation process the GF will define clear ToR
April 2018
• Issue call for proposal along with ToR
August 2018
• Multicountry funding proposal submission
October to December 2018
• Grant-making process
October 2019
• Grant Implementation
PANCAP proposes to convene two webinars, one on the 9th January 2018 and another in February to solicit partners input. Ms Lilian Pedrosa, Fund Portfolio Manager, Global Fund will participate in the first Webinar to update partners on the new funding and process. Additionally, PANCAP will utilize planned regional meetings, including the Youth Advocacy Training scheduled for 19-20 January 2018, Faith Leaders and Key Population Leaders Consultation on 6-8 February 2018 and the National AIDS Programme Managers and Key Partners Meeting on 12-15th March, to consult with partners. We have attached a brief powerpoint presentation on the funding opportunity.
There will be other opportunities to solicit input at the national level though planned activities by other partners.
We would like to invite you to join us on 9th January 2018 at 2 PM for the first Webinar and look forward to your participation. We will send you a reminder and a link for you to participate in the Webinar early January.