Media Centre

Expressions of Interest – Board Leadership Nomination Committee for the Global Fund

The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Delegation to the Global Fund
Closing Date June 25, 2021 closed

The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Delegation to the Global Fund is seeking nominations from interested candidates in the Caribbean Region to support the Board Leadership Nomination Committee for the Global Fund with the selection of the next Chair and Vice-Chair of the Global Fund Board.

Interested candidates should write to the Caribbean Communications Focal Point (CFP) expressing interest to serve on the committee.

All Expressions of Interest must be accompanied by:

1. An updated Curriculum Vitae
2. A brief biography 
3. A letter of motivation confirming willingness and availability to serve

Expressions of Interest should be submitted via email to the Communications Focal Point (LAC), Dr Rosmond Adams, via no later than noon on Friday 25 June 2021.

The LAC Delegation will consider the submissions and make final nominations to the Global Fund.

Only nominated candidates will be contacted.

The Terms of Reference of the Board Leadership Nomination Committee is below for guidance.
