Multi-country Priority Area Terms of Reference Open for Consultation
Based on the Global Fund Board’s decision (GF/B36/04) in November 2016 on the Catalytic Investments available during the 2017-2019 Allocation Period, US$ 50 M was made available for sustainability of services for key populations under the multi-country approach. The amounts and priority areas for Catalytic Investments were determined primarily by technical partners in consultation with the Global Fund Secretariat, and reflect critical needs that will assist in the delivery of the global plans for HIV, TB, and Malaria and the 2017-2022 Global Fund Strategy.
Under the recommendation of the Global Fund Board and technical partners, unless an ideal Applicant can be agreed through comprehensive regional consultations, the funds will be allocated through an open and competitive RFP process. Of the US$ 50 M made available for this strategic priority area, this RFP refers to the US$ 6,500,000 made available for the Caribbean region under multi-country priority area “sustainability of services for key populations”. This funding is intended to support one multi-country grant to address the challenges indicated in the draft terms of reference (TOR).
You are invited to send your comments on the draft TOR to Rosalie Laurent (Rosalie.Laurent@theglobalfund.org) by February 28, 2018, midnight Geneva time.