Key Population Activist Toolkit – PrEP
The International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) released the Key Population Activist Toolkit on PrEP, developed to equip community activists with the knowledge and skills they need to demand pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
While the rate of new HIV infections among adults globally remains the same, rates have risen in many parts of the world and in certain key populations. The World Health Organization recommends that oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) be offered to people who are HIV negative and at increased risk of HIV infection, in addition to and in combination with other HIV prevention services, such as condoms, male circumcision, antiretroviral drugs for people living with HIV, and harm reduction services for people who inject drugs.
People who need PrEP have the right to access it as a human right to good health. For their part, governments have a duty to progressively enable access to PrEP for those who need it. According to the standards of health rights, PrEP should be available, affordable, and accessible, and it should be offered in a manner responsive to the needs and concerns of beneficiary communities.