Frequently Asked Questions: The 2017-2019 Funding Cycle
As we reported in the last issue of GFO, there will be three types of funding requests for the next allocation period: full review, tailored review, and program continuation. The FAQs provide more information.
The full review process is defined as a “comprehensive overall review of a program’s approach and strategic priorities.” This is similar to the concept notes used in the last allocation period.
Under the tailored review process, the documentation requirements “are appropriately designed for challenging operating environments, for transition, for national strategy-based approaches, for results-based financing or other innovative financing approaches, and for material reprogramming in defined areas.”
For applicants using the program continuation approach, the process is simplified and streamlined “to ensure well-performing programs with no material change needed can continue implementation with minimal distraction.”
Use of the program continuation approach will be limited to applicants that meet certain criteria, such as strong programmatic performance and absorption, a low risk profile, and without the need for material change in programming. Program continuation funding requests must be submitted early in 2017. The Global Fund said that more information will be provided in the allocation letter.
The Fund plans to send allocation letters to all eligible applicants in December 2016. Each letter will contain the allocation amount for that country. By the end of the replenishment conference, the Global Fund had raised $12.9 billion. In October, the Audit and Finance Committee will determine the amount available for allocations to countries.
According to the FAQs, all funding requests submitted during the 2017-2019 allocation period must have an end date of 31 December 2020 or later. This is because disbursements under the subsequent allocation period (i.e. 2020-2022) are not expected to start before the end of 2020.
According to the Global Fund, simplified procedures have been introduced based on lessons learned during the 2014-2016 allocation cycle. The FAQs provided one example: At the application stage, the modular template has been replaced by a performance framework and budget. This means that there will be no need to create a performance framework and budget from scratch during grant-making, as was the case during the last cycle.
The FAQs state that, as before, each applicant will be asked to in their funding requests a prioritized above allocation request.
The Technical Review Panel has been expanded to include more experts on resilient and sustainable systems for health, human rights and gender equality, as well as cross-cutting issues.
The FAQs include question on the following topics: country eligibility; reprogramming grants; key populations; human rights and gender; health systems; co-financing; application focus requirements; and grant-making. GFO will report on what the FAQs said for some of these topics in a future issue.
Reminder: Countries that are implementing grants ending on or before 31 December 2017, and that expect to receive an allocation for 2017-2019, should start preparing shortly for their next funding requests.